Chapter 4

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Y/n's POV:

Been a month and a half since I've been here with Kenny and honestly it isn't that bad, he's so kind and loving and I feel bad for him and the unbelievable has happened, I have fallen for my kidnapper and I'm aware of what this is but I don't care.

I've been thinking a lot over the last few weeks I've been here. I don't miss my family anymore, I don't miss my friends, or my old life and I definitely don't miss school, but that's a no-brainer. I'm not angry at Kenny kidnapping me, I'm not scared and I don't care that he killed Gregory.

But I don't like the cabin, it isn't very big, it's cold in here too, not completely freezing but cold enough, it's damp and mouldy and I still don't know where I am.

Kenny is currently out shopping ,again, we go through food like no tomorrow here. I'm on my place on the sofa, I was reading a book but my thoughts got the better of me, once again.

I'm gonna tell Kenny, when he gets back, I'm going to tell him that I love him, even though he's insane, I'm going to tell him everything.

An hour or so later and I hear the door open and Kenny walks in, seconds later he's standing in front of me, his parka zipped all the way up, fresh snow on his boots and coat.

'Hey Kenny.'I greet happily.

'Hey angel.'He greets back, kissing my cheek.

Once again I help unpack the shopping and then we going to the living room and sit down.

It's quiet and Kenny staring at me again but that doesn't freak me out anymore, this will be a good time to tell.

'Kenny?'I wonder.

'Yes my perfect princess?'Kenny asks, using one of my many, many nicknames.

'Can I be honest with you?'I quiz.

'Sure.'He answers, confusion in his voice.

' I think I love you. I know I shouldn't after everything, but I do. I love you and your craziness and I know this sounds weird, bizarre maybe and a little idiotic on my part but I do,'I admit.

'You keep good care of me, you love me, feed me, talk to me and you never hurt me. This might make the situation we have even more foolish but let's run away. Let's go to LA, New York. I don't care where we go as long as it's not here, somewhere we don't know anyone and with you.' I express, with a suggestion.

'You really mean that?'Wonderd Kenny, his eyes shining.

'I never ment anything more in my life.'I smile.

'And if we do runaway you're not going to run off , are you? this isn't a plan to get away from me is it?'Kenny inquires.

'No it is not. I know it seems that way but it isn't. I promise that on with you till the end.'I say honesty with a smile.

It goes quiet between us for a few minutes, no one says anything. We just look at each other and I can see Kenny thinking it over.

'Lets do it then. Let's go to... Chicago.'Kenny states the first place that came to mind.

'Let's go to Chicago.'I agree.

'I'll plan everything.'Kenny announces.

'I'll help.'I offer.

'Okay baby.'He smiles, pulling me into a tight hug.

With this we spent the next month or so planning everything, we found a nice apartment just outside the city, it's a bit small and a bit of a fixer upper but it'll do for now. Kenny booked the tickets, I don't know where the money came from but I don't care.

Within the week after planning everything we were on the plane to Chicago to start our new lifes.

'I love you Kenny.'I proclaim in our new apartment, a few hours later.

'And I love you Angle. Always have, always will.'Expresses Kenny.

I never did runaway, Kenny never hurt me and it took awhile for Kenny to let me leave the apartment but he began talking me places and we never did make any friends, we only had each other.

Kenny might be insane but I love him for it and he did nothing but love me. We never talk about our old life back and South Park, that was a distant memory

We may be crazy but we're crazy for each other and it's not the ideal love story but it's our love story and in a way I love it.
A/n:Hello everyone. So that's it, I hope you liked it I know it wasn't very long and it was a little boring in places.
I hope you all enjoyed it, thanks for reading this random, crazy, weird FanFiction of mine, means a lot thank you again bye.

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