001 - Introduction

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≫ ──── ≪•◦ A/N ◦•≫ ──── ≪

You are the youngest of the Ro'Meave family. This story will involve alcohol, sex, smoking, bullying, abuse, etc.

This does not follow the original Phoenix Drop High plot and things will be different. Some characters will not be present and some characters will have different personalities.

≫ ──── ≪•◦ Y/N'S POV ◦•≫ ──── ≪

Long story short, its been three years since mom was killed by a man named Darrell Zvahl. I moved on quickly since she was never there anyways and never seemed to care for me. She didn't play with me, go shopping with me, and wasn't there for my games of dress up and make believe.

Was she a good mother? She was decent. She bought us nice clothes, cooked us delicious food, payed for activities and school, and made sure we didn't end up stupid. We could've been close, we could've been best friends. But sometimes, your parents will forget about you.

Ever since mom's death, dad was really screwed up. He'd be drinking, doing sketchy jobs, and bringing home half naked girls too young for him. He's not the father I knew and loved. He doesn't care about what I do anymore. He barely disciplines me or makes sure I'm alright. He used to be loving and playful. He would play tag with us and teach up how to dribble a basketball. But every since Zianna Ro'Meave's murder, he went crazy. He's now a different man, he's not my dad.

Despite our father's current state, the Ro'Meave household has been normal.

Garroth is the oldest. He's 16, really into football and sports. He's about 5'7 and has charming blonde hair. At home, he does normal big brother stuff like cooking, mowing the lawn, waking us up, and driving us to school. Whenever I had something going on, he'd be there to help me through it. He fulfills duties our father cant. One example is loving us.

Vylad is our adopted brother. He's 15, older than Zane and I. He's maybe 5'6 has curly brown hair, and really cute brown eyes. He tutors us with his 132 I.Q. He saves our studies since we cant afford a tutor. He's really smart though but he doesn't know what he wants to do after high school. His room is full of books and literature. He's always been into fantasy and fictional stories. He's why we loved playing pretend when we were younger.

Zane is my twin brother. About 5'6, messy black hair, blue eyes, and freckles he hides with a mask. He's always grumpy, tries to look tough because he's really fragile. Sometimes I'm the one who has to stand up for him.

Now for me. I'm Y/N Ro'Meave. I'm 4'11, long black hair, light grey eyes. Yes I know I'm short. I'm really insecure about my height so all my shoes are platformed. Now I appear 5'2 feet tall. Still a little short but good enough. I always trip in my shoes but it's okay. What matters it I look tall and strong. As for my personality...I hate to admit it but I'm cranky like Zane. I get grumpy when people tease me, I can't stand when people crap talk me, I won't hesitate to punch someone. Yes, that's me! Y/N Ro'Meave. But there's more to me than just another Ro'Meave.

Tomorrow it's the first day of my first year of high school. I'm not worried. I don't care if I end up all alone. I have Zane who'll always be by my side. Twins always stick together so we'll be alright.

On the ride to school, Garroth drives us giving us high school advice since we're all freshmen and he's a sophmore. Vylad asks about the studies and lessons. Zane and I pretend we care while faking our interest. We're both actually really bored.

It's been about three minutes on the road. I was just getting lost in my thoughts as I realize something. I realize I'll see my best friend, Laurence Zvahl...nephew of Darrell Zvahl...

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