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Maui's POV

I looked up at the sky to the heavens and saw the hot rays of the sun shining through the thick clouds. I squinted a little, feeling proud of my achievements
on bringing the sun to the mortals. I looked around my home, where I was raised, I mainly just saw other Demi-Gods roaming around, there were a few Gods but they mainly stayed near the top of the island, they were seen as more important than us Demi's. I wondered what it would be like... being a God, think of all that power, anyway why was I thinking about that? It would never happen. I grabbed my fish hook that was laying beside me and with a flash of blue, shape-shifted into the form of a giant hawk. I flew with some speed up near the top of the island, I needed to feel the air, it got so hot around this place sometimes I could hardly breathe. As I was flying I looked to my left, wondering what some commotion was... and that's when I came crashing into a body. I changed back to my normal form, wondering what I hit, I froze... there, laying right there on the floor, was Alani, Goddess Of Love.

Alani's POV

I rubbed my head from the impact. I looked up to see who had rudely barged into me. I looked at the familiar face, still laying on the floor. He looked panicky. "Uh..Eh.." He stuttered a little and coughed before fully speaking. "Uh Apologies... your Grace. He helped me up to my feet and bowed his head, for forgiveness. I spoke, "Apology excepted. Your... Mali... right?" I asked tilting my head. He let out a short chuckle. "Actually, it's 'Maui'........Shape-shifter, Demi-god of the wind and sea hero of Men and Women, All. I felt a little embarrassed getting his name wrong, my face turning slightly pink, "Apologies 'Maui'." He looked at me and spoke again, "Well, Apology Exce-" He was cut of by my farther who was calling my from a distance away. "Heh, well... better get going... Got a lot of work to be done, See you around, "Maui". "See you around Alani," he froze, "Alani or... Goddess of love?." He said tilting his head slightly. "Hm, Alani is fine." I say with a smile. walking back to the top of the hill, as he walked down to the bottom.

Maui's POV

"Gee.. didn't know talking to a God could be so difficult. But... there's something about her... I'm not sure.. something... "Different."

Hey it's me! Your lonely, weird story writer, hope you are all enjoying my story on Maui's past.
Plz tell me if you want the second chapter!

Bye for now! 💕💋😝
Word count: 463

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