lmao, another apology?? jk, chap. 8 let's go bois

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"you showed me the world..."

                     A single crack of sunlight. That is all that lit up the room. Soft and subtle, a peaceful atmosphere encompassing the room. The slick of light gracefully danced across the wall, the curtains swaying from the light breeze fluttering in through the barely opened window. The beautiful melody of birds singing filled the room, happiness accompanying it. A warmth pressed against my back as soft lips trailed against my neck. Soft hair tickling my ear, I giggled and turned to face the sweet face next to me. His eyes half opened with sleep, and a cheeky grin on his lips. Snuggling back into his warmth, I sighed, knowing that I needed to get up.

"No," Taehyung mumbled into my hair, "I know that look, you don't need to get up yet." He sighed, I laughed, shaking my head, tightening my grip around his waist.

"You know how Jimin gets if you keep him waiting," I stated, his chuckle warming my head.

"I'll take the heat if it means a few more minutes like this," he whispered, groaning as I tried to pry myself out of his grip, "baby, stop. Just stay here with me." He whined, I laughed finally being able to escape his grasp. I lightly kissed his lips before rolling out of bed, "party killer." Taehyung grumbled, only to groan louder when I threw a pillow at his head. He tiredly slapped the pillow but continued to lie in bed. Rolling my eyes, I turned on the shower and allowed the steam to fill the bathroom before closing the door and stripping.

                    The final curl fell against my shoulder, quickly switching it off at the outlet and scrambling together my things from the counter. The loud repeated beeping of a car horn reminding me that I was on a time limit. I entered the bedroom and was instantly blinded by the sun, much to my own confusion. I grumbled as I fixed my hair, looking around for my shoes and noticing that there was a lack of curtains hanging against the window.

"Taehyung, where on earth have the curtains went?!" I yelled, my whole body jerking to a stop. The late morning sun smiling into the room, I grumbled at his silent response, grabbing my phone and quickly exiting the room, "Tae? Where are you?" My answer once again remained unanswered, running down the stairs and slipping into my shoes as Jimin once again beeped his car horn to signal me yet again. Rolling my eyes, I placed my bag over my shoulder, "Tae, that's me away! I expect curtains to be back up when I return!" I called, footsteps immediately building in speed. Strong arms wrapped around my waist, lifting me causing butterflies to instantly erupt in my stomach as I laughed.

"Surely not leaving without a kiss, my love?" Taehyung whispered placing me back on the ground, I turned around to only be met by a goofy grin, rolling my eyes I quickly pressed my lips to his, the lip gloss transferring onto his own soft lips.

"Maybe if you answered, you would have gotten more," I teased, the smirk pulling at the corners of my lips, "I'll see you later, curtains, up, now." My index finger prodded his chest after every word, a small laugh escaping him before he threw up a salute and ran off back into the garden.

                    The loose gravel crunched under the tires of Jimin's car, the music quietly playing in the background. I laughed, picking my bag up from the floor and turning to look at the lovable geek next to me. Ruffling his hair and trying to "fix" himself in the mirror, he smirked before looking at me.

"Thanks again, Abe, I really needed this." He stated, a sigh soon following as I nodded my head.

"Me too, it's good to be able to just spend time with you," I laughed, "taking a break from being an adult for a few hours." He nodded, resting his head against his seat, closing his eyes and sighing.

10 Things I Love About You (Kim Taehyung - part 2).Where stories live. Discover now