Daniel 6

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"Oh, oh what are you?" Daniel mumbles to himself. Looking at his hands, he was holding the book he found on the pirate ship. The book about dream magic.... "Sir, can I come in?" A voice from outside his cabin asked him. Daniel put the book back on his shelf. "Come in," Daniel said. Renold a simple ship's mate walked in dripping wet. "Why in god's name are you so wet, you look like you took a shower with your clothes on," Daniel said with a small smile on his face. "Well, it bloody raining outside like the gods want to drown us!" Renold said with a bit of irritation in his voice. "I hadn't noticed, maybe it's time for me to go with you and stand in the rain then," Daniel said with sarcasm. But Renold didn't know this and started apologizing, "oh but I didn't mean it like that, I.. I....." "Why does no one know when I'm being sarcastic," Daniel said while slapping his head with his hand. Renold's cheeks changed shades of red while hearing his captain. Renold scraped his throat and straightened his back to look more confident then he felt. "Captain we are approaching shore" "I'll be there in a sec" and Daniel sat back in his chair and Renold walked out the door. After being in his own mind for a few minutes he stood up and walked out of his cabin and up to the deck. His crew was busy with the ropes and the sails. The wind was killing, and the rain was harsh, but they worked anyway. The sun was breaking through the cloudy sky and after days of cold and misery the warmth of the sun gave back some strength to the men of the Black Reaper. Daniel stood tall on the bow of the ship. His eyes fixated on the land in front of him, a village in the valley and dark flags raised beside the houses. There is something wrong down there. And what that was they would have to go and find out.

Daniel turns around to face his crew. "When we approach the shore, we drop the sails and reaaaaady the anchors," Daniel said loudly like a captain with too much to drink slurring his speech. He always spoke like this when they were approaching the shore. It was his way of telling his crew to relax.

Onshore, the crew almost kissed the ground. With delight and pure happiness. Most of these men were born pirates, still, after 6 months on a sea without a steady ground beneath their feet, there were happy to stand still. "You boys go and have some fun I'll gather the supplies, alone! Again!" said Daniel a bit loud. The crew all stopped and looked a bit guilty. "But cap, we've been on this boat for so long can't we have some fun?" Chris who's the cook asked a bit sad. "first we gather supplies then you all can have as much fun as you like for a week" Daniel replied with a serious but happy tone. "thanks cap, that sounds like a plan" Chris answered. Then they all went to the village for the supplies. " You and the others go to get the food," Daniel told Jake. He gave him one hundred gold coins in a leather satchel and let them be on their way.

Daniel went to the rope maker to repair some of the ropes from the sails. One's inside he found an old man dressed in only black. When he asked the old man if he was the owner of the shop the old man slowly turned to him and said: "why do you want to know that?" Daniel stepped two paces back when he saw the face of the man, he was crying black tears without making a sound. "Augh... I...I... need these ropes fixed" Daniel said not so sure what to do while holding out one of the ropes. "Then your too late. He is dead and your next...." Said the man as he walked out the back door. Daniel standing there not sure what had just happened. He was almost in shock you could say. But after a while, he realized that the ropes still had to be fixed and because he had still so much to do he just put his ropes on the table that was used as a desk with 40 gold coins and grabbed some new ropes for his ship. Then he walked out the door and went to do the next thing on his list... medicine. So, he walked over to the pharmacy and grabbed the doorknob, but it was locked. That's weird, the pharmacy is open from dawn to dusk. At least that's what it says on the door. Daniel put his hands around his eyes and look inside the shop to see any sign of the owner. But no one was inside and even stranger was the puddle of black liquid on the floor. He didn't know what was going on, but it wasn't good. Then out of nowhere, a little girl ran towards him, black tears running down her face and blood pouring out of her ears. She stops just before Daniel and looked up, so she could see his face "The curse is now upon us, he is dead and you're next..." and she ran away to a dark alley. Daniel tried going after her, but she disappeared into the shadows. "What in the name of God is going on here?" thought Daniel. He knew that he had to find his crew and leave but he also knew that he would not be able to sleep until he knew what was going on here. So, he set out to find out. The first place he could think of where he would be able to find answers... the local pub.

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