Months later....

Third person
Sarah was heavily pregnant, with the tour all over and just staying at home, she was able to relax. Eugene always saying 'Hi baby.' To her belly. It could be any day now, any day the child could be born. She was about 40 weeks in and already wanted it to be over.

Brendon even caught her praying for the baby to come. He couldn't blame her as she had been waiting for ages. Looking through the box of Eugene's old baby clothes, feeling glad they didn't get rid of them.

"Hey look I found the pink frilly dress." She said, making the boys come over. "You dressed me in that Mummy?" Eugene says touching the dress. "Yeah I did and it was your fathers idea." She joked, Brendon going like "no it wasn't, but although it was funny and cute." Then started rubbing the belly which he could feel the child moving.

"The baby's kicking..a lot." Sarah said putting both hands on her belly, which Eugene then touched, and said "hi baby, Stop kicking Mummy." Which made them laugh, Sarah laughing so much suddenly freaked out.

Liquid started leaking and going on to the floor. "Oh god....water broke.....the baby's coming!" She said, then screeching out in pain. "Don't just stand there!! Get me to the hospital!" She yelled making Brendon rush out the room, and then coming back with a bag, packing what they needed.

"Eugene, pack some stuff for the baby. Hurry!" He said giving Eugene a bag, which Eugene stuffed with baby clothes, pacifiers, diapers. Once the bags were packed, Brendon gave both bags to Eugene, telling him to take them down to the car which he did.

An hour later...

In the hospital
They were at the hospital, Sarah getting changed into a hospital gown and then getting into bed, getting more and more contractions. "Oh god here comes another one...aaahh...owww!" She cried, a nurse comes in checking how much she has dilated. "Your ten centimetres, ready to give birth. Stacy come in here!" She said, a another woman comes in saying "hi Sarah, I'm Stacy. I'll be delivering your baby." She said introducing herself.

A couple minutes later, Eugene was sent outside. Sarah screaming in each contraction that she was pushing through. "Aaahhh!!!! Get this thing outta me!!!" She screamed. "Sarah you got this, your doing well, just push." The midwife said as she focused. Her face falling, seeing what had happened "Oh my god...It's breech." She said which made Brendon say worried "are they going to be ok?"

Midwife nods then says "they are going to be fine, Sarah you'll have push harder now." Sarah screams out and pushed again as hard as she could, "nothing is happening, Sarah push a bit harder." The midwife says, Sarah cries out "I'm trying!!!! It hurts so bad, I just can't!" The midwife sounding frustrated as she had a life in her hands says "you got too, the baby could die! Just push!"

Sarah pushed with as much force as possible through the contraction, "that's better keep pushing!" The mid wife says concentrating, then goes "Oh here they are!" She adds.

A cry fills the room, everything was silent, the mid wife shows the crying little one to them, saying "it's a girl, congratulations." She placed the child on Sarah's chest, where Sarah touched her baby saying "she's beautiful," she cried as Brendon kissed her forehead and then her lips. The midwife takes the little child to be cleaned and diapered.

Comes back over, giving Sarah her baby. Sarah cried more as she saw her little girl in her arms, crying then opening her large dark eyes looking at her mother. Brendon crying, at how perfect their daughter is. Not believing they now have two kids. "She's perfect, going to need a name." He said then kissed the child on the head, "I don't know haven't thought of many." She said then adds "get Eugene in here, so he can meet his baby sister." Brendon going outside the room seeing Eugene seated down on the beach.

"Eugene, come on in. There's someone we want you to meet." He said taking Eugene into the room, Eugene seeing his mum holding a small baby. "Eugene say hello to your new baby sister. Baby Urie. We haven't figured out a name yet, so we'll be calling her Baby Urie until a name is picked." Sarah said allowing Eugene to sit next to her and look at his little sister with a smile on his face.

"Hi Baby Urie, I'm glad your here. I'm your big brother Eugene." He said then kisses Baby Urie on her forehead. "She's so small, Mummy can I hold her?" Eugene asks, Sarah smiling then saying "course you can, hold her gently and support her head." Eugene did so, carefully holding his little sister.

Three days later..

They just got back home with Baby Urie who was sleeping in her carrier. Eugene followed his mum to the baby room. Sarah sitting down in the chair rocking her little girl back and forth, "Mummy about names, I have one," Eugene said, as Brendon walked in seeing Eugene admiring the baby in Sarah's arms.

"What is the name you thought of then," Brendon asks as he went next to Sarah, putting a kiss on the baby's head, "Brenda, it's pretty." Eugene said making Sarah smile and look at her baby, "I love it. Brenda Urie. What do you think Brendon?" Sarah said looking at him.

"I think it's perfect. It's like she's named after me." He said, then looks at Eugene "what made you think of that name?" He asked, Eugene shrugs before saying "thought it sounded pretty."

Her full name was Brenda Sydney Urie.

They even took pictures of Eugene holding Brenda who was dressed in a pink frilly dress. "Ok that's enough pictures, time to put Brenda to bed," Brendon said trying to take the camera from Sarah who was still snapping shots of Eugene holding Brenda. "Just a few more," She said.

Then Brendon takes Brenda from Eugene's arms which made Sarah take some pictures of him holding her. "Time for Brenda to get her beauty sleep." He said putting her down in her crib. They all left the room, allowing Brenda to sleep.

My little sister had to sleep, so Daddy put her down in the crib. I love my little sister, she's so small and cute. "Eugene let your sister sleep, she's only three days old." Mummy said, gently dragging me away from the crib. What's wrong with watching her sleep?

Daddy started playing video games with the volume down, then Mummy joins in. I'm sitting here board, wondering what to do. I sat on the piano seat, pressing some keys on the piano. "Eugene get off the piano, it's noisy and not when Brenda is sleeping." Daddy said, then put his eyes back on the game.

"I wanna jump off the roof." I said, Daddy stops what he's playing and looks at me "you want to jump off the roof?" He said, I nodded. I like how high up it is, I like heights. "Do it then, I'll get the camera," Mummy said, putting the game on pause.

We climbed the roof of Daddy's studio, standing on the edge. It's not that scary. "You ready Eugene?" Daddy said, I nodded and held his hand. "Alright then. 1, 2, 3!" He said as we jumped off, Mummy getting shots as we came down. Falling so fast, then splashing into the cold water.

Yay! We did it. "Yay! We did it Daddy! We did it!" I squeaked, Daddy hugging me saying "yeah we did." We got out the pool, Mummy showing the pictures, "this one is good as it shows the splash. Can't wait to get one of Brenda when she's five." She said.

"That will be great, I'm gonna tell her that!" Daddy said, going inside. Making mummy go after him to Brenda's room. Daddy better not get some ideas with baby Brenda.

"Brendon, don't you dare." Mummy said going after him to Brenda's room.

The End

There will be an epilogue. Not entirely the end but the finale.

A Child's Wish To Have Loving Attention | P!ATD (Panic! At the Disco) Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now