Chapter 1

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*Dedicated to DelaneyBarr0*


Just a quick note Luke is not in 5 SOS. He is a solo singer. Kk bye thx for reading.

Chapter 1

*Delaney's POV*

"Delaney I know it's tough on you but you need to think about everyone here" my agent snaps at me sharply. "Think of how much money this will bring in. Delaney Barr and Luke Hemmings all in one movie. Remember the public doesn't know about you guy's complicated relationship."

"Complicated?" I snap. "It's very simple actually. We hate each other." I cross my arms and pout like a 5 year old and slouch back into my chair.


"Grey!" I say mocking her tone. She tightens her lips into a tight white line in her frustration.

"Look, just give it two weeks and if it's not working by then we'll call off the movie and fake a broken leg or something."

A smile fights through my childish pout and I hug her. "Fine, but only because I get ice cream for every scene." She nods and heads to her office to work on god knows what. She is like my mother but better than my real one. I turn on the tv and flick through the channels. I have 1 hour to burn before my dinner with Michael. I lay down and settle on some sappy vampire movie. Before I know it my eyes close.

*Luke's POV*

"Luke if you don't bang her I'm going to" My best friend Jake laughs. I groan and fall onto my back into my bean bag.

"Ew no. She's evil." I laugh when I see him still looking through her pictures on IMDB.

"Oh look at this" he shows me his phone.

'Delaney Barr signs onto movie with Luke Hemmings. What does her boyfriend Michael Kastanek have to say about it. We caught up with him to find out.' I stopped reading. As if the universe is keeping time I get the call from my agent. I pick up the phone.

"Delaney's doing the movie got it." I hang up. GREAT! Get the sarcasm.

*Delaney's POV*

I wake up 2 hours later with my head in someone's lap. I slowly sit up and see michael passed out. He must have come to get me and seen me sleeping. He's so cute. I'm a horrible person for using him, but I can't love him. He starts stirring so I kiss his lips quickly, and he smiles.

"Good afternoon" he giggles and I smile at him. He leans over and kisses me again and he pulls me onto his lap. Might as well tell him about the movie. I pull away from him.

"Michael, I'm doing a new movie with-um-a certain new co-star." He frowns.

"I know."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2014 ⏰

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