Two types of crazy

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Crazy murderer/killer reader. Consider this as a warning for blood and such.


A crazed grin started to spread across your face as you walked down the alley you knew had a dead end, following after your running target. They were screaming and yelling for help...

But nobody came.

You saw as they desparately clawed at the dead end brick wall, tears of fear running down their face. As you approached clocer and closer you let your knife drag along the alley wall, creating an unsettling scraping sound that only made your victim shake harder.

You saw their eyes dart around, desperately looking for a way out, a way to escape. Even if they tried running, you knew you could catch them.

Your crazed grin had now spread to your bloodthirsty eyes, the rush your body was in addicting as ever. You wondered why other people didn't do this more often, though it wouldn't be so good to be on the other side of the blade.

Now you were towering over your prey, sliding the edge of the blade across their cheek and down to their neck, making them whimper and cry in fear louder.

They begged, but you didn't listen. With a fast swift motion you slit their neck, the blood that splattered from it onto your face going right over your eyes.

It dripped down your face and you licked some of it that was close enough to your mouth, causing you to hum pleasingly at the sweet taste.

Not long after you were still standing over the body, observing your kill as a strange sound caught your attention, making you turn around.

You saw an older man and a kid, that had just seemed to walk out of a green portal. They looked at you, their eyes darting from you to the victim, and the younger had instantly gagged and spilt his guts all over the dirt floor.

The older however, didn't seem to be disturbed by it. You and him held eye contact for a bit, like a silent conversation between you two.

"Come on, Morty." He said as he dragged the younger away while you watched, letting them leave.

You returned to your 'work' and straddled the corpse, pushing your knife in here and there like you were working on some piece of art.

After getting bored, you left, not bothering to clean yourself of the many blood stains.

You walked back into the crowd of people and aliens, none of them paying attention to your bloodied appearance.

You didn't really have a destination, yet you cobtinued walking where ever your legs took you.

It was starting to get dark now and the city lit up in dark neon purples and plues, along with some other colors here and there.

It was perfect for another hunt. Just as you were about to pick another victim, your eyes were drawn to a familiar pair, one taller and wearing a lab coat, the other short and young with a bright yellow shirt.

Out of curiousity you followed them at a safe distance, watching what they were up to. Only moments passed and the two broke out into a run as the version of police on this planet started chasing them, you following behind.

The older was hitting his portal-gun-looking device in frustration, indicating that something must have gotten wrong. The two idiots have made a turn, which you knew to be a dead end as 5 'cops' chased right after them.

This is going to be so much fun.

You followed, your eyes meeting the older one's as you approached behind one of the auyhority figures, effortlessly snapping their neck.

The other four turned fast, ready to open fire but were too late, not only a second later their bodies falling to the floor, each's throat slit wide open as the blood pooled at your feet.

The younger, who you heard to be caled Morty had paled once again, throwing up the remaining of his guts while the other looked at you again, making you grin madly.

"What? No 'thank you' or anything?"

You asked while playing with your knife and licking the blood off the blade, which visibly made the older man's posture change.

"Yeah. Than-urp-ks or whateve-urp-"

He responded, visibly having some alcohol in his sistem, also noticable with his smell.

You only rolled your eyes and kick one of the corpses away with your foot.

"I save your lives and that's the thanks I get? Surely I deserve more."

Your eyebrow lifted, a smirk spreading across your face. With a hesitant look the older man walked closer and stood over you as you let him back you against the wall, leaning down and pressing his lips against yours.

His left over alcohol mixed with the blood in your mouth, making an unique experience as you bit his lip during the kiss, hearing him supress a sound.

He pulled away, though you could see that he didn't want to.

"Hmm...much better."

You grinned and bit your bottom lip, looking uo at him as he cleared his throat and looked back at the younger.

"Come on, Morty. You'll have enough time to empty your insides at home."

He stated and started to leave, stopping in his tracks for a moment when he heard you speak.

"It was nice finally meeting you, Rick Sanchez. Maybe we can do it again some time, perhaps under different circumstances. We're not so different you and I- we're just two types of crazy. The mad scientist, and the psychotic killer."

He didn't respond, but you knew just as much as him that it will definitely happen sooner than later.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2019 ⏰

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