The Beginning

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On July of 2017 was the time I met her. I went to a concert with a couple of friends that took place near my house. It was a moody day for me. Nothing special had happened in my life and the only thing I wanted to do is have fun on my vacation. It was a sunny day. We had arrived at the concert pretty early, around 7 in the afternoon if I am correct. I was wearing a black shirt that I got from the concert and a pair of jeans. So the concert was ready to begin. My friend told me that another girl is going to join us. I had never seen her before. I remember feeling kind of anxious because that's how I am around girls from times to times. She came and the first thing that came to my mind was "This is the friend". She was a short girl with dark hair and dark eyes. She had a cute face. We met eachother and because I wanted somehow to talk to hear I asked her the first thing that came to my mind. " Do you watch game of thrones?". She answered "yes". After that we started talking about it and how great it is. I have to admit I that I was nervous but not that much. Her face was something unique. The concert started I we where all having fun and after that... we just went home. I really enjoyed her energy. We never talked again until September of 2017. It was a normal day at school and everything was going alright. I remember being happy that day for no specific reason. So I was going to my classroom until my friend stopped and said to me "Look who came in our school!!". And... She was the girl I met on that night. I felt really surprised. But in a good way. I hugged her and told her welcome. So now I had her on my school everyday. Nothing special to say here. On that period of time I was talking with my best friend saying her that I want to find a cute girl that loves me for who I am. A girl that is going to be loyal to me. A girl that the only problem we are going to have is fighting for stupid things. After a couple of days a started thinking about her. I was trying to communicate with her. To be honest I began to feel something for her. So everyday at school we were talking on and on. On 26th of October we had something like a party that our school was organising in a club. Two weeks before that event I said to myself "That is the day that we are going to do our first move and let us see how this is going to escalate". Only one week away of the event and I was anxious about silly things like getting a haircut and I was trying to find clothes for that night. Until that day it was going really good with that girl. The night of the party I dressed myself with a white shirt with black dots, black jeans and some sharp shoes. To be honest I thought I was dressed "to much" for that occasion but I wanted to look better than anyone. So I wore my leather jacket and got out of my house and thinking and I look great and everything is going to be fine, with a bit of fear of course. I arrived at the club and she was there. I said "oh shit she looks great". She was with her friends so I thought that I will not wait for her to stay alone let us just go. So I took my drink (vodka) and walked to her table. I said hi to everyone and I just stayed there looking good and anxious of course until I found an opening and got even close to her. And then... We kissed eachother. She had soft leaps as I imagined. The whole night was us dancing and kissing and having fun until her parents came to pick her up. I was really happy and me and my friends started drinking even more because they were happy for me. I had a good feeling about her. When I came back home I was thinking about how I am going to tell her to be together. I just said a big NO to my fears and overthinking and fall asleep. I have to admit... It was the greatest night of my life.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2019 ⏰

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