14. Alex

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The words were probably the most honest I've been with him since the first time we kissed. I'm living a lie right now by trying to hide my pack's mistakes, and I think I need to own up to it already. As we stood there silently, me in his warm embrace, I looked totally calm on the outside, but my mind was in total anarchy. Camden was shouting at me for even thinking about telling the truth and possibly ruining his chances with mate, and I was already telling myself that I was a bad person before he was angry. This sucks...

"Alex... There's something I have to tell you." I froze. Did he find me out? Does he want to leave me? Do I have something wrong with me that he doesn't like?

"What's up?"

"Do you promise not to reject me?" Why would I reject him? What is he about to tell me? Is he a serial killer or something? This is so terrifying.

"Of course."

There was no mistaking the fear in his eyes. Whatever he was about to tell me, he felt like it was going to be bad. "I'm not human," he paused for a moment, probably looking for my reaction. However, I didn't have one to give. I've never been the kind of person to be any good at faking surprise, so I wasn't even going to attempt it. He can figure it out himself.

"I figured that out already," I whispered gently, praying for them to be the correct words. I don't know for sure, but they seemed to be passable. It's almost impossible for me to read him when he isn't being open, and that's just because the walls of fear and doubt in his mind extended well past the level of an average person.

"I'm a... Vampire," he stated, maintaining eye contact. They held their usual hardness, but it was softened around the edges with emotion.

I hugged him tightly, feeling his body mold into mine with relief. His tensions were slowly released the longer that we sat there. I knew that I was raised to hate vampires, but I refused to hate this person just for his species. Add to that the fact that I literally can't. His entire face was lit up in a crackhead grin, and I have to say I enjoyed every bit of his happiness. I hope I can continue to do this for him.

"Thank you so, so, much," he breathed.

The bell rang once more, signaling gym, and we set off in our own directions. He actually revealed his darkest secret to me. He trusted me enough to tell me he was a vampire, something that us supernatural beings were supposed to keep to ourselves. Of course, I had already figured out what he was, but it was still touching. We sealed the bond, and I felt amazing. The only thing left now was to tell him that I was a werewolf and had destroyed his whole way of life! There was no way this could go wrong. Note my sarcasm.

I desperately wanted him to still love me after that, but that was unrealistic. If someone killed him and then showed up trying to fall in love with me, I would hate them too. A small tear fell out of my eye, and I wiped it away before anyone could see it. I guess what was happening to me now was really karma. Just like I took away his everything, my life was slipping through my fingertips. Now, the only thing we had was each other.

I was changing out of my clothes when he walked in, but I hadn't noticed him and was taking my sweet time getting dressed for class. I can't wait to finally run again. Suddenly, I heard a crash behind me, and I spun around. His eyes were locked on me in a distant gaze, and I felt kind of weird at the way he was looking at me.

"It was you," he hissed, and I felt a bit taken aback.

"What do you mean? Is something wrong?" He grabbed my arm and drug me outside while I complained about his harsh grip, but it didn't falter in the slightest. That's going to bruise before tomorrow. Camden was left in an upset mess at his anger, and I just wanted to know what the meaning of this was. There's only one thing I can think of that would make him this enraged, and I hope that it isn't the case with all of my heart. I suppose all I can do is hold onto hope.

"You're the one that killed my parents," he snarled once we were in a private location, and I froze up.

"What do you want me to say to that..?"

"Tell me that it isn't true. Tell me that you got that scar from somewhere else. Tell me that you didn't brutally murder that girl just to please your father."

"I... I can't lie to you. I did do that, and I regret it with every fiber of my being."

"I cannot believe that you would do something like that! I thought you were so kind, but it turns out that you're just an asshole like the rest of them."

"Just listen to what I have to say, please!"

"You have 30 seconds to explain yourself."

"I know that it looks bad, but I was scared to defy him. He had just killed my mother a few months earlier, then he had told me that if I did do something wrong he would feed me to you guys. I was only six and my mind was so formable. I didn't know what I was doing, and it is what I regretted most in life even before I had met you. She didn't deserve death, none of them did. You should have grown up with a caring family, you should have had the life that I got. But you didn't, and that's my father's fault. Please forgive me," I begged, and I saw the slightest change in his expression that told me he was seriously considering what I had said. I noticed that he didn't stop me at the 30 second mark, which was a good sign, but I still wasn't out of the woods yet.

"And what do I get for forgiving you?"

"A soulmate, my eternal gratitude, and a $50 gift card to Walmart that I found laying around."

"I'll think about it... Just remember that you hurt me a lot, and doing this will be very difficult for me."

"I understand it from your point of view, and I'm so sorry for everything I ever did. Just please, don't throw away your future because of it. I'll leave you alone to allow you to make that decision on your own." I backed away and waited a few seconds for him to tell me to stay before continuing to walk away the rest of the distance, and I felt strangely fulfilled. At least it's out and I can stop thinking about it. I just hope he doesn't end our relationship because of it...

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