Is that alright? - One shot

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The song "Is that alright", written by Lady Gaga and Lukas Nelson couldn't make more sense to Stefani right now. When she first wrote it, she was describing her relationship with her boyfriend, but what she didn't realize was that what she was writing didn't match her reality. She thought she was in love with Taylor, that he was the love of her life, but all changed when she met Bradley. Bradley made her see colors, it was like she was seeing everything in black and white and he brought color to her life. He made her feel hole again, made her feel that she was enough and that what everyone thinks doesn't matter, something that her fiance didn't make.

The song says everything that she was afraid of saying out loud.

     Nothing you say will uninterest
     Me. All of your words are like 
     Poems to me    

There was no one like bradley to make her laugh when she was feeling down. She laughed at every joke he made, even the bad ones were amusing to her. He made Stefani feel better when she was in pain or even just having a bad day, in fact, whenever he was near her she would immediately feel better. He was *that* good.

       I would be proud if you would
       Take me as I am

Almost all of Stefani's previous boyfriends had said to her at least one time that she was never gonna make it as a singer, that she was not good enough for the industry and  that she was ugly. At one time she even heard the words annoying and bitch. Bradley never said something like that to her, not even once. He took such good care of her that even when he heard on the media something bad about her he would be mad and try to tell her good things just to make her feel better.

       I want you to look right into
       My eyes. To tell me you love
       Me, to be by my side

Since the day she realized she was in love with bradley, she wanted to be with him at all times. She wanted to wake up and have him by her side to say "Good morning", she wanted h to be there everytime she was happy or sad. But unfortunately, there was a lot of things in the way of that actually happening, the most important one being the fact that Stefani wasn't sure if he felt the same way about her. Sure, she suspected he felt something, but she wasn't completely sure. Sometimes when he kissed her on set with so much passion and desire that made her legs almost give in, she thought he felt the same as her. But when at the end of the day he went home to Irina, to his family, reality hit her hard and she lost hope, when all she wanted to happen was for him to one day to look her right in the eye and tell how much he loves and wants to be with her. But she's aware that the may might never come.

       I want you at the end of my
       Life. Wanna see your face
       When I fall with Grace
       At the moment I die
       Is that alright?

She one time, when she was alone at her trailer, she caught herself wondering what life would like if she was the one married to Bradley. How happy she would be. How would be like to wake up every day next to him and to have his loving eyes looking at her as the first thing she sees in the morning. How it would be like to have his kids, and to have a family day where they watch films and eat Italian food with their kids, to teach them life lessons and to Cherish and love them. It would be everything she ever wanted, and everything she knew she would never have.

       I hope you're still with me
       When I'm not quite myself
       And I pray that you'll lift me
        When you know I need help

Sometimes Stefani gets really down and upset. At times like that she starts to doubt everything she does, starts to wonder if she's enough and if she is doing the right thing with her life. When she gets like that a few people in her life just get away from her, to give her some time to think and to be alone,some space, but all that she wants is someone to hold her and tell her that everything will be alright. That person is Bradley. He seems to notice whenever she's not feeling ok and instead of bothering her by asking countless questions about what's happening, he just holds her and gives her some comfort, something she really appreciates.

       Family dinners and family trees
       Teachin' the kids to say,                "Thank you, " and, "Please"
      Knowin' if we stay together that      things will be right

When they were working on the movie, not only Bradley and Lady Gaga became inseparably close, but their families got along as well. It started on the press tour and on the awards ceremonies, where Bradley would bring Gloria and Stefani would bring Natalie and her mother. They started to talk and realized they actually got a lot in common. They started texting, and at one point they even had get togethers at Gloria's house, where the both families would have dinner, talk and laugh a lot. Stefani loved those moments. Being all of them together made her feel like they were just one big family, and that thought always made butterflies come to her stomach. She could easily imagine every Sunday being like this, their families reunited for lunch, a barbecue, and talking about everything and anything at the same time, with Bradley and Stefani in each other's arms listening to their moms talking about them, and with them laughing and rolling their eyes of embarrassemdnt. Moments like this is what kept her going in the hard times.

Now she was in her bedroom, more specifically in her bed, curled up with a pillow and her dogs laying around with her after a long day, thinking how sad it was to be all by herself, when the man she loved was happy with another woman. How life was sometimes unfair, because if the circumstances were others, if they met at a different time in their lives, she was sure they would be together.

But there was nothing she could do about it. Sometimes love just isn't enough.

                          THE END

Hi guys, just made this little one shot and thought it would be best if I shared it with you. Tell me in the comments if you liked it and if a should make more.

Is that alright? - One shotWhere stories live. Discover now