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Samara was walking to the spare bedroom that she was gonna staying in while she was at the castle, she walked passed a creepy looking staircase, and to herself she thought "I wonder where these stairs lead to?"
Samara was then snapped out of her thoughts as she heard a man yelling to himself, samara wanted to go see what was happening, so she slowly started making her way up the stairs. The stairs lead to a wooden door that seemed ominous, samara was debating weather or not if she should knock, but after a while she decided that she is gonna knock on the door.
She reached her hand to the door and she quietly knocked, "WHO IS IT!?!?" The man yelled, the door opened quickly and samara found herself looking at a tall skinny man with black hair with white bangs, he wore a baggy purple cloak that looked really soft, he wore a cute yellow bow tie around his neck, and on his hands he wore dark brown fingerless gloves, the mans skin was really pale, he had a long pointy nose, his eyes were honey colored. And for a moment he looked pissed off then when he saw Samara, his mood quickly changed to curiosity, "w-who are you?" He asked.

Samara looked down at her feet, "I-I'm samara, who are you?"  She looked back at the man and smiled when they locked eyes. The man was taken aback when samara asked who he was, he ruffled his hair and replied "I'm Cedric."
Cedric looked Samara up and down, taking in all of her details and to himself he thought "damn! She is beautiful!"  Then he asked "do you wanna come have a look around my lair?"
Samara took a step into Cedric's lair and was amazed at what she saw, potions and spell books where scattered everywhere "are you a royal sorcerer?"
Cedric paused for a moment and with a sad sigh he said "yes"
Samara saw his sad expression, "what's wrong mr. Cedric?"

*Cedric explains that no one thinks that he is great and Samara comforts him, and they sit down on the floor and talk for hours until they fell asleep in each other's arms*

I spent a hour writing this, and I had to listen to my siblings fight.
⬇️This is what Samara looks like ⬇️

 ⬇️This is what Samara looks like ⬇️

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Cedric's sweetheart: Cedric X Samara Where stories live. Discover now