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Pale dawn light filtered through a window up by the ceiling in Cedric's tower, and in the beams of sunlight dust slowly danced around. Samara blinked open her eyes to find herself snuggled up with Cedric, she was using Cedric's cloak as a blanket, she started to squirm around until Cedric woke up. "What's going on?" Cedric mumbled as his eyes adjusted to the sunlight shining through the window. He then realized that him and samara were snuggled up together on the floor "why are you still here?" Cedric asked in a groggy tone.
Samara felt nervous about answering Cedric's question, "I-I'm really sorry mr. Cedric, but we kinda fell asleep together when we were talking last night."

"It's alright princess, no need to apologize." Cedric replied in a cheery voice "how did you sleep my lady? Were you warm?"
"I'm sorry Mr. Cedric but I'm not a princess, but I actually slept very well, and I was really warm!"
Samara was distracted because she couldn't stop looking at Cedric.
And to herself she thought *oh Gawd he is handsome* and samara could feel something poking her on the hip, she looked down and saw that Cedric was excited (if ya know what I mean).
"What are you staring at?" Cedric asked, then he looked down and noticed his boner, his face turned a crimson red "oh my" He exclaimed in complete embarrassment "I'm very sorry!"
Samara kinda shyer away, "it's alright" then she paused for a moment to think, "let me go to my room to get something and I'll be back, and we can take care of your boner!" She said in a kinky like tone.
"B-but we just met last night!!!" Cedric stammered in shock
"I don't care if we just met last night, you are handsome, let's smash!!"
Without another word samara left Cedric's tower so she could go to her room to get something.

After samara left Cedric started singing

Lady Stardust spread your hair a
Cross your universe of magic,
Let us in.
Let's fly into the milky-way,
Climb these concrete walls
And say don't ever close us in.
Like every city needs a distance,
Every sky demands a moon,
Every winter needs a snowfall,
Every summer wants a June.
Money is just a piece of paper,
Gold is blinding, don't you see.
Fame is just our own illusion,
Of what life is meant to be.
But I don't need a perfect mirror,
I don't care for queens and kings.
We are free and we are perfect,
When Lady Stardust sings
Play on
Oh, Lady Stardust sing. Play on
Lady Stardust sing
Lady Stardust let us cruise
Around your universe of magic, I'm in.
Let's play this song, on and on,
Until the dawn and never let them win.
And every minute needs the hour,
Every day demands a night,
Every giant supernova hits the city with your light.
Movie-stars and grand directors,
Silver screens and MTV's,
Gods and angels all around me
Fills the air like little bees.
I don't need no superheroes,
I don't care for gods with wings,
I hear teardrops on the pavement
When Lady Stardust sings.
Play on.
Lady Stardust sing, play on.
Lady Stardust sing
And I don't need no superheroes,
I don't care for gods with wings,
I hear teardrops on the pavement
When Lady Stardust sings.
Oh Lady stardust sing.
Lady stardust sing.
Na, na, na, na, na, now she sings
Na, na, na, na, na, now she sings
Na, na, na, na, I'll sing for you.
I'll sing this song, so please hold on,
I'll sing this song for you
And say something that matters
And say something that matters.
Try to say something that matters to you,
So please hold on.
Try to say something that matters

(Even though the song Is sung by a girl, just imagine Cedric singing it)

After a few minutes samara came back to Cedric's tower, Cedric's mouth fell open when he saw samara wearing a really slutty outfit.

After a few minutes samara came back to Cedric's tower, Cedric's mouth fell open when he saw samara wearing a really slutty outfit

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Samara walked over to Cedric, and she slowly started taking off Cedric's purple robe.
Cedric stood there, trembling. After that samara took off her own clothes.

And we all know that they do the dirty

After they did the dirty, samara flopped down laying right next to Cedric, panting, "Oh Gawd you were are amazing!" She whispered softly in Cedric's ear.
Cedric layed there next to samara, his face a crimson red, he then leaned over samara putting his hands on her waist, and kissing her passionately on the lips, samara wrapped her legs around Cedric's hips.
Cedric slowly started grinding on samara.

Yeah I'm done with this chapter I hope y'all enjoyed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2019 ⏰

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Cedric's sweetheart: Cedric X Samara Where stories live. Discover now