-Cuddle Time!-⭐️

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A/n- Alright people time for the first oneshot! A oneshot in which the reader craves the attention of her explosive boyfriend!!
   Today was like any other day for Y/N, except she was feeling particularly clingy today. All she wanted was Bakugou's attention, but he was too busy studying for the upcoming test. Which was supposed to be worth 65% percent of your grade. So Y/N hatched a plan, and that planned included studying with bakugou himself! Her grades were pretty average, so she could benefit from this in other ways too, but I mean she was trying to get bakugou's attention here. Plus she could study on her own time once she was done cuddling with her boyfriend.
    After school ended Y/N was gonna ask bakugou if they could study together. She walked towards his desk and asked, "Hey, Katsuki do you want to study together? We can study at my house." Bakugou looked at her and said " Fine. I know this is just an excuse to bring your grades up, but I'll study with you anyway just because your my damn girlfriend,". Y/N silently did a victory dance in her head, hoping that this would actually go well.
Y/N and Bakugou got to her house and she let Bakugou in first, even though it's usually ladies first. Y/N called out "Mom! I'm home!".
"Welcome home sugar cube! Oh! And you brought Bakugou hear too! Will he be staying for dinner? I'm making making my famous spicy takoyaki tonight!" Both Y/N and her mother looked at Bakugou for for an answer to the question. "Fine, whatever. At least your mom is making spicy food,". "Ok, mom me and Katsuki are gonna study for that test I told you about. Tell me when the food is ready!". Y/N's mother said "I will!". The two teens walked upstairs to Y/N's room. Bakugou sat on the bed and set out all his notes and books. Y/N sat on the bed with him and looked through her bag, only to see that her notes weren't there. Same thing with her books.
"Katsuki I think I left my books in my desk at school..." Bakugou looked at her and sighed. "Whatever just use mine,". Y/N and her boyfriend then studied for about 2 hours. "Baaaabbbbbeeeee, I'm tired can we take a brake now?", Y/N looked at him exhausted. "You can, I'm going to keep studying," Bakugou said as he went through his notes for his Biology class. Y/N pouted, she still wouldn't give up. She was going to cuddle him!! She was that determined after all. She had been deprived from affection for a week! She set another plan into action. She sat behind him and wrapped her arms around his torso. "Katsuki, ya mind if I sit on your lap?" Y/N said as she looked at him, waiting for an answer. Bakugou turned around and looked at her. "No," He said bluntly. Y/N looked surprised, "What? Why not?" Y/N asked. Bakugou looked at her, "Because I'm trying to fucking study,". Y/N grabbed his notes and threw them across the room. "And I want to cuddle!" Bakugou looked at her for about 3 mins straight. "Fine, get over here," Bakugou said as he looked away, blushing. "Wait really?!" Y/N said. " YES! NOW GET OVER HERE BEFORE I CHANGE MY MIND!!" Y/N dove into his arms and buried her face in his chest. "Thanks Katsuki,". Bakugou kisses her head and said," Yeah whatever,". After a while, Y/N fell asleep to sound of her boyfriend's heartbeat. Soon after that Bakugou fell asleep too. " Kids! Supper is ready!" M/N looked and then both and smiled. "My little girl is all grown up,". She looked at the clock. "They'll be up at the crack of dawn,". She shut the light off and closed the door, smiling, Young love.

698 words!!! That's a lot for me!! Thank for reading the one shot!! I'll be taking requests so if you have one, go comment it on the request chapter! I'l be writing more so again, thank you!!

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