No Hope

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"Oh,Anne, sweetheart...I had such hope for you." 

A voice muffled her ears. 

A painful ringing in her ears.


She opened her eyes, tense as she sat up, looking around. Where was she?

A bedroom. Two doors were infront of her, and as she looked around - it looked like a child's room. The walls were a stale and faded pink, and there was teddy bears littered around the room. She leaned down, picking up an old, dusty rabbit. It seemed familiar in her arms. 

In the corner, was a full body mirror, with a long crack in the middle. She slowly approached it - eyes widening to see half of her was a much smaller version, around the age of 5. Behind the child, was a man and woman. 

Her parents. 

Her eyes widened in shock, quickly turning, only to be met with a girl around the same age as her, with dirty blonde locks. 

"Don't trust him. Don't trust Hale!" She hissed, before quickly turning, opening the door to her left. She attempted to follow the girl, open the door - only to find it locked. She frowned with confusion, before approaching the cracked mirror, finding only herself in it this time.

Staring into the reflection,  a familiar old man stood behind her. Father Comstock. He had a pale hand digging into her shoulder,she could almost feel it. A look of disapproval stretched on his face as he opened his mouth. 

"How could you leave me? Us?" She flinched as the mixture of voices in the mirror spoke, staring directly at her. She blinked - to be met with her mother and father, raw, pink skin on their bodies. Burnt. The sound of burning wood met her ears. 

"You could've saved us."

"Ungrateful child." 

"I tried to." Her tearful voice spoke, frozen as she stared into they're faces. "I didn't start the fire. I didn't know." Her body shivered continuously, fat tears rolling down her cheeks as she exhaled shakily. 

"You done nothing for us." 

"You stood and watched." 

"STOP IT!" She screamed.

Blue eyes flew open. She slowly sat up, glancing around the room. Father Comstock was in the corner, sitting. Watching. Waiting. 

"Oh, Anne." His tone was soft as he stood up, approaching her bedside. As if trying to calm a wild animal that was endangered and vulnerable.

Her body was slightly shaking as she stared up at the man. "How long was I-"

"A couple hours." A quick reply.

"Where is...?" 

"Gone." He said grimly. "Where?" She attempted to stand, before a hand was placed on her shoulder. "Don't bother. You've done enough damage" he scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief. "You tried to leave me."

She immediately frowned. "I wasn't going to, Comstock." 

"Not Father?" He raised a white brow, somewhat bewildered. "You...aren't my father." She frowned. "Not anymore, you mean." He chuckled, standing up, and opening the door. "Get dressed and meet me outside." He paused. "I'm going to give you one last chance, Anne Cumberlin. Don't make me regret it." He hissed, before walking out, and shutting the door behind him. 

Once he was officially gone, she stood up from the bed. She could feel her back stick to the back of her neck. She opened the bathroom door, undressing, and taking a cold shower. 

Ten minutes had passed, and she now wore a clean brown, non-fitted dress. The sleeves were long - stretching up to her boney wrists as she combed her damp hair. She pinned it back, pulling on black ankle boots - though they were slightly hidden due to the length of the dress. Deciding she looked somewhat appropriate, she opened the door - ignoring the guards she passed as she looked about the halls, in search of the grey haired man. 

She soon found him in a small garden, standing infront of a water fountain, hands behind his back as he looked about. Upon hearing her boots click on arrival, he turned, smiling. "I trust you didn't look very long?" 

"I found you in the end. Nothing else matters." She muttered, standing stiffly infront of him. 

Seeing her uncomfortable posture, he released a sigh. "Walk with me, Anne." He cleared his throat, cupping his arm through the teenagers, and proceeded to walk around the garden.

"Do you know how your parents died,Anne?" 

"In a house fire." She answered grimly, her eyes on the bottom of her dress as she walked.

He gave a quiet 'mhm'. "Do you know what they said to hours before their sad, sad death?"

"No." She muttered. 

"They told me to keep you safe. To protect you with my life." He sighed. "And I plan to do that. But I need loyalty from you,Anne." He added in. "I swore to protect you and Elizabeth from the False Shepard." He held his head high. "From anything evil in this false world." 

"Even from yourself?" She bit her tongue too late. He paused his steps, staring down at the young woman's face. "Quite possibly." 

She was shocked at his reply. "Can I ask you something?"

"Anything, my dear." He released her arm, facing her. "Who started the fire?"

He blinked a few times, obviously not expecting such a blunt question. "How would I know that, Anne? I wasn't with your parents for many hours." 

"But you still visited that day, right? Surely someone suspicious was there. Surely you knew something wasn't right." She paused. "I can help you find Elizabeth, and I'll bring her back." She paused. "But I want you to find out who started the fire that night. I need to know. "

"Are you striking a deal, Anna?" 

"I am." 

He searched the woman's face for a few seconds, before smiling. "You've got yourself one, my love." He chuckled. "I'll have a few of my men take you to where we think he'll be going to next, and I have a few ideas. I'll be watching, Anna." 

She slowly turned, walking with two armed men, feeling two eyes burn into the back of her head. 

She'll find Elizabeth. Even if it kills her. 


And that's Chapter 2 finished! 

What do you think so far? Will Anna find out who killed her parents? 

Will Comstock keep his promise? 

Will Anna find Booker and Elizabeth and take her back? 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2019 ⏰

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