Part 14 ~

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"Who are you?" as he stood still and didn't say a word, I stepped closer to him
"We are Venom" he hissed
"Your the one who saved me from the ally" I said in a harsh voice rubbing my throat, he tilted his head slightly
"What are you".

I begin to examine him even more his whole body was covered in black ink with white veins throw out his body with a big white milky eyes.

"Ye—" before he could say a word loud footsteps begin to ring throughout the building people yelling

" San Francisco Police Department come out with your hands up" The voices rang throughout the stairwell my eyes widen

"Come with us" Venom said with his hand out to me.
I began to feel hesitant but there's no time there's footsteps got even closer and closer I grabbed his hand as he pulled me in with a smiled placing me on his back
"Hold on tight" his voiced hissed.
I wrap my hands around his neck and held tight he smirked at me before taking a big leap at the stairwells and begin to climb up going back-and-forth to the rooftop, my grip got tighter and tighter as we went up further and out the door

"You alright there pumpkin" he laughed,
Clench my teeth together and held on even tighter burying my face in his back as he laughed at me.
Not a minute later we enter the city as he kept on jumping ruff to ruff.
I took a peek at the view and the lights were so bright and beautiful with all the buildings lit up and all the traffic of cars running past.

He landed on a small pharmacy building not far from my apartment he sent me down gently and turned to me,
"Don't worry we're safe now, they didn't see us.... are you hurt anywhere"

"No I'm okay thank, thank you again"

"No need" he's turning his back to me like he saw something

"Those things, that were attacking me, where those symbiods" he didn't move or made a sound he just sat there silently like he was thinking

"...Yes" my mind began to race with questions

"Why,...why save me?"

"Why look for us?" He answered with a question

"I-I wanted to know, who you are, and what you were, and I also...wanted to say thank you" he turned to me his right arm was dripping with blood

"There's no need, we wanted you to be safe, Your messing with stuff you don't need to. Did you get your answer"

"Your bleeding"

I was silent trying to find my words and waiting for his but he turned his arm away trying to hide it

"Okay then ....except for one who's carnage?" He stayed quiet

"We need to move".

He pick me up and begin to jump to building to building once more until he quickly landed on my apartment roof with a big thump

" He's a Symbiote like me"

"Then why is he after me"

"We....don't know yet"

"If he's like you why haven't you kill me instead of saving me"

"I safe people and only kill the bad". He's on moved his arm slightly my way where he started bleeding more there was a giant claw wedged in his arm, he yanked it out and threw it to the ground.

"Let me help you" try to step closer to him but he stepped away (because he heard someone coming up the stairs) and looked to the stairs. I turned my head to the door and as I did it opened

"Cora!?" It was Officer Pot said in mid movement grabbing a cigarette from his back pocket.

"What are you doing out here?!"

"Well I need fresh air"

"How did you get out?"

"I—I have my ways" he sighed at my response and put a cigarette away and grab my shoulder

"Come one Cora".

Escorted me back to my apartment with more guards standing at the door with her arms crossed at me make sure the door was locked soon as I went in and I was all alone once again.
As soon as the door closed I grab my phone and texted Eddie

"Hey are you okay???"
"I made it home, I'm okay??"
But no response I began to worry that he went there to find me and if those things might've gotten to him.

(A sliding noise of a window)

I quickly looked up and grab my bat and slowly made my way to around the corner where the noise was coming from, I could hear footsteps.
I tighten my grip around my bat and was about to swing until a hand came around the corner grabbing the bat.

Venom x Oc  [Let There Be Carnage]Where stories live. Discover now