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A/N: Hi. Yeah I know I have two unfinished works already and now surprise I'm starting another one. Well here's the thing on that. The first one I really wanted to end, but then I didn't and now I'm like why the fuck didn't I end the damn thing when I should've instead of getting myself massively stuck on it. I'm planning on trying to get back to it soon though. The other one only has 2 to 3 more chapters tops and I'll get those done before I do much at all on this. This story may actually not go completely to fruition either though simply because this one is going to be so majorly out of my comfort zone that I might not make it work. Why is it out of my comfort zone? Well first I'm gonna put real life problems in it (though I probably won't say a real or a specific city they live in this story is going to practically be a real life drama). I don't like doing real life shit. I create fantastical things. Secondly I only ever write in third person perspective, but this story will be done in first person perspective. It will make things seem more alive that way, but once again it's not me. I'm gonna see how far I can go with this one though. Also this is going to have smut, drugs, suicide, and bullies in it so please please beware of that. I told you it's gonna be a massively real world shit storm of a drama. Now first before I get into the story I'm gonna also introduce many of the characters, only because I think you might need a bit of a rundown of them that I might not get to quick enough, because of the way I'm doing this.


Characters: Alex Cunnington: he's been in the foster system since he was seven. His dad disappeared before he was born, and his mother died of an overdose. He has never known what it was like to be loved or accepted for who he is, and therefore hides the fact that he is gay from everyone including himself.

Bentley Rogers: the pansexual biological son of Alex's latest foster parents. He's used to getting everything he wants no matter what. He is one of the most popular boys in the school. He winds up having a crush on Alex.

Marina Minh: A girl at school that becomes Alex's best friend. She doesn't take much shit from people, and always stands up for her friends. She's a bit of a pick pocket though.

Tanner Burdock: Bentley's suicidal boyfriend. He has been a foster child of Bentley's parents for two months already. Is heavily into drugs.

Archer Smith: a foster child of the Rogers. He is easily talked into doing anything whether it is good or bad. Has a crush on Marina.

Lisa Rogers: Bentley's mother. she had been a foster child when she was younger, and so she wants nothing more than to make a difference in the lives of the children (especially in the ones that seem to be the farthest gone).

Paul Rogers: The father of Bentley.  He's almost never around, because he's a workaholic.  He loves his family dearly, and tries to make a difference in the kids lives. Is always willing to give a place to stay for anyone in need.

Marcus Cummings: A foster child of the Rogers. His mother killed herself in front of him, and he rarely talks now. He suffers from night terrors as a result from the trauma.

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