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NOTE: This chapter is a BONUS chapter, probably would have been added had I written it at the time. This is from the perspective of John Vanderbilt in the fixed timeline, after Elijah performed Tempus Infinituum in the future. This would have been added around Chapters 10 or 11 of this story. I hope you enjoy this little piece! Leave Reviews, and be sure to keep up with my other work by following, favoriting, and check me out on Wattpad (Jurana Keri). I hope to write a fanfic for AHS: 1984 when it comes out, but we shall see!


What's up? Here for an autograph, or are you a cop trying to nab me for my "escape"? No? Okay... that's fair. Name's John Vanderbilt. You've probably seen me on TV or bought tickets to see me take someone down. Or maybe you heard I killed a man by accident in the ring and was found guilty simply because my fists were considered "deadly weapons" in court. More on that in a bit. I was not always like this. I was always a bit weird, in fact, even by normal standards.

I was born November 23, 1985 in Dallas, Texas. No, smartass, I am not a cowboy. I don't have much of an accent either. Well, maybe a little just from living here – both of my parents are from outside of Texas; mom from New York, dad from California. My mom had me late in life, at age 39. My dad was older. They had tried for years to conceive but failed until they got me. My father is related to the Vanderbilt dynasty, who made their fortune off railroads a really long time ago. One of his cousins in California was loaded, a billionaire, and he often helped our part of the family out financially. My father was well-to-do by association. Sometimes I would play with Trevor, his son, who was two years older than me. His older sister, Coco, was a brat. Little did I know she was different, just like me, until years later.

I am a warlock. I did not find out until I was 30 or so, but I have had these powers for as long as I could remember. I am able to divine or see into things that other people would have to learn about first to understand it. I can set fires with my mind. I am able to go from place to place without walking or running there. Lastly, I can move things with my mind. I have had weird incidents start around seven years old. I think it was finally having enough of school bullies that triggered it. When I was that age, I was a lot shorter than most of the boys. I also had very light blond hair. I stuck out like a sore thumb. I was called "midget Towhead". It did not help I had, and still have, a bit of a temper, so my reactions did not stop them. One time they were trying to chase me through the halls to beat me up, I hid, but then found myself staring at their backs, behind them, watching as they wondered where I went. That's transmutation... or, as the Hawthorn Academy called it, salire per spatium.

Telekinesis, moving things with my mind, I discovered on accident. I was ten and wanted to cut my birthday cake. My dad insisted he do it, so I tried to get the knife out of his hand, and before I could blink the knife was not in either of our hands – it had flung and lodged itself up on the cupboard door. It went right through. My parents did not know what to make of it, nor could I.

Divination is something I have used on and off throughout my life, even my career. If a contract seemed fishy, I didn't sign it. For me, it is like an inner knowing of things without actually experiencing them firsthand. I can even remember using it to cheat on tests I either didn't care to study for, or were really hard. It was my best friend in middle school. One kid thought I was having a seizure.

"It wasn't a seizure," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Are you sure? Your eyes were rolling in the back of your head!" he told me. I got along with him. His name was Ethan.

I tried denying it, but what he said next, spooked me a bit: "you were making this deep sound with your voice like you were drugged out." It was a guttural "ugghhhhuuughhhhughhhh" he imitated right after saying this.

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