Bending Light

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  • Dedicated to To my sister Emma

            I held onto her hand, never letting my strong grip go. I couldnt loose her again. Her eyes pleaded for life, and my heart ached to give her just that.

            Why I ever let her talk me into going to the Twin Towers that day, I don't know. My heart raced in my chest, and her eyes searched mine for any hope. She was dangling over the edge, and if I even moved my arm, I would loose my sister, my best friend, my bully, forever.

            "Emma!" I screamed, though she was right in front of me. Tears began to fall silently down her face, and I shook my head rapidly. "No...No...No!"

            "Jonsey!" She said frantically, trying to calm me down. "Jonesy! Jonesy! Listening to me!" I turned and faced her, tears welling in my eyes. "Let. Go." Emma whispered, leaning in. My face went to horror, my heart breaking in two and ripping apart. I opened my mouth to argue, but she shook her head, squeezing her eyes shut. "Don't make me make you."

            I bit my lip and looked away, but I refused to let go. Slowly, I could feel her hand prying mine away...I was going to loose her.

            "Goodbye Jonesy." She whispered. At first, i didn't realize she was serious. It wasn't until i no longer felt her sweaty palm in mine that I realized what had happened. I stared down at the crevise that she had just fallen into. No...She's not dead. She's waiting for me at home. I tried to convince myself.

            Suddenly an arm wrapped strongly around my stomach and heaved me over its shoulder. "You alive kid?" A husky voice said quickly, worry in his voice. I didn't reply-I couldn't reply.

My sister was dead.

And i was the one who killed her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2012 ⏰

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