Chapter 1; to hell and back

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Claire open her bedroom window and stared at the ground below. She checked the clock on her phone. 1:34 AM. She put her phone back in the jacket pocket and jumped out the window. Luckily she didn't break a bone this time. Clair stared at her parents bedroom window, then at their driveway. She pulled out the car keys she stole from her mom, stared the engine, and quickly pulled out the driveway. "Bitch better be awake, he told me to come at 1:30" Claire said to herself. After a very short time, Claire pulled into a vast field, got out of her car, and walked to a shed near the end of the field.

"Ayee, Claire" a drunk friend said as she entered the shed. "Hey Aj, where's James?" Claire asked. She knew the answer would most likely be "I dunno", "find out yourself" or a actual answer, but it was more likely to be 'oh I dunno, not here maybe?'. Aj, grabbing another bottle of beer, said what Claire thought he would "I dunno, why didn't you text him? Been one hell of a week and we can't get this party started without him!" Claire smirked, no matter what she could never do a full smile, and pulled out her phone. Did Aj always have to say 'I dunno'?

"Where are you?" She texted. Claire quickly got a reply from James. "On my way. About 1/2 a mile". Claire smirked and put her phone in her pocket. "He's half a mile away Andrew Jones" Claire said, knowing that calling Aj that would provoke some kind of reaction. "It's Aj, not 'Andrew Jones'" he said. A few moments later, James walked into the shed. "Ayyeee Jamie" Aj said, majorly intoxicated at this point. "Hey" he calmly said, picking up a vodka bottle. "Cheers to one hell of a week" Aj said, holding his bottle of beer, Claire's cup of bourbon, and James vodka bottle in the air and clinking. "To one fucking amazing pair of friends" James said, removing his mask and sipping on the vodka. Claire smirked. She had always admired his calmness, and she always admired Aj's willingness, and, of course, stupidity.

It was now 4 o'clock, Aj was passed out. "Oh great, who's gonna take him home?" Claire said, drinking her bourbon. "Maybe we should all ride home in your car Claire. I mean, Aj and I don't have to take our parents cars so they might think we just hung out early or something. Then again, he never walks up early" James said. He now had his white cough mask on again, which he didn't really need. "It'll be fine James, his dad don't really care that much" Claire said. "Hey Claire" James said. Claire gave a 'hm?'. "Follow me" He said, taking her wrist and pulling her out of the shed and into the field. "The fuck? James, we're gonna get eat up out here" Claire said. James didn't listen. He wrapped his hands around her waist and spun around in the field.

Claire chuckled. As Aj said, it had been one hell of a week, a hell of a good one. It was the first weekend out of school. "Are you not tired?" Claire said as they spun around in the field. "Fuck no" James said, once again pulling her out of the field and against his car. "Are we just gonna Leave Aj?" Claire said as James hopped in his truck. "He's 17, he'll be fine" James said. "Whatcha Waitin' on C? Get in!" He said. Claire got in. "What about my car?"

//insert opinion// you fucking dumbass, you should've asked that before you got in

"Your mom gotta work tomorrow?" James asked as the pulled off the side of the road. "No..?" Claire said. "And you got a garage, right?" Claire nodded. "Anything your mom might need in there?" "Nope" Claire reached for the road, not much of any good songs, but a few rap stations that were on would have to do. "Then tell her the car is in the garage". Claire smirked, regardless of the situation, James could always think of a good lie.

Claire smirked and stared out the window, of course she could barely see anything. "Tell your mom tomorrow that your gonna hang out with me and Aj, I can pick you and get your car back, and do whatever the hell we feel like doing" James smirked, tho you couldn't see it due to his mask, and Claire giggled. She lit a cigarette and blew smoke out the window. "You know smoking kills Claire, right?" "And drinking kills. You think I give a shit, we're all gonna die in the end so why give a damn now?" "Well played Claire, well played" James said, smirking. "Remember the deal the three of us made when we first met?" Claire asked. "What?"

"To Hell and back?" Claire said, holding out a hang.

"To Hell and back"

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