Act 10

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*The Monday after...*

It was already Monday and we had to go back to school. I woke up, like usual, did everything I needed to, and walked out the door to find Joe standing on the porch.

"You ready to go?" he asked me, his hands in his sweatshirt pockets.

"Wow, you're early. What happened to the other Joe? I want him." I replied sarcastically. We laughed.

"Alright, let's go!"

I closed the front door and we started walking.

Today I was wearing a pokemon t-shirt (of course) and some jeans. He was wearing a beige sweatshirt and khakis.

We got on the bus and sat down, like usual. The bus started moving, and I looked at him. He was really quiet; like, he wasn't talking to his friends at all. He was just kind of looking at his phone. It was kind of weird.

"Hey," I tapped his shoulder. "You okay?"

"Huh?" He looked up. "Uhh, yeah. Sure."

He looked back at his phone. I knew he was lying, yet I didn't say anything about it. I just put on some music and looked out the window for the rest of the ride.

We later arrived at the school. Same old exterior, but I did notice some paint peeling off near one window. Other than that, just the same faded brick exterior.

"This school is so old," I thought, "it's older than Bradley's mom."

We walked toward the commons and went our separate ways. I sat down on the benches, he went to his friend group, like normal.

Then I hear a deep laughter. It was unsettling, and I knew who it was.

"Hey, punk" Bradley growled.

I just ignored him. He seemed surprised.

"Hey Lincy boy, you been doing the smoochy smooches with your "just friend" Joe?" he laughed.

I was stunned. "Wha- How did you know?"

"Oh, I got some information from one of your friends." His group went back to reveal Oliver; his arms restrained by two of Bradley's goonies.


"Hey," Oliver said, obviously in pain.


"They came up to me and threatened to jump me if I don't tell them about you two! I'm sorry!"

"How fucking ironic. One of your closest friends telling your worst enemy about your biggest crush." It wasn't that funny, but they all laughed.

"You're disgusting," I scowled.

"Time to beat up this fag!" Bradley reached over for me. I braced for impact, but then I hear a voice.

"Hey!" the familiar voice yells.

Bradley's goonies parted to reveal the voice's origin.

"Joe!" Oliver said.

"Wow. The crush comes in to save the day. How romantic." I still do not know how he has these big words in his vocabulary.

"Get your hands off of him," Joe said sternly.

"And what if I don't?"

Joe quickly grabbed Bradley by the collar and raised him up in the air. Bradley helplessly flailed his legs.

Joe then quietly said, "If you don't, I will make sure you regret ever looking his way in the first place."

Bradley looked terrified. Oliver looked surprised. I even felt some chills go down my spine.

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