Untitled Horror

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A/N: I originally wrote this in 2014- however someone I knew "conveniently lost" all of my hand written story which I had spent months on. In early 2016 when I finally had my own computer, I started to rewrite it from memory, and then in November 2018 I finally finished it. It's not the best- but I think it's pretty damn good. So, that being said, enjoy the ride. 

TW: Severe gore, altered/ distorted reality, blood, child in an unsafe environment, spiders, death, vomit

She had thought nothing of it, a sleepover with some friends was normal, no need to be worried. She had enjoyed the first part of the event immensely, all was well and a merry atmosphere had engulfed the household. Her friends were happy and so was she, so why was she so anxious? As the night drew to a close the beaming girls retreated to the confines of the bedroom, squishing together on the mattresses so close it nearly made some of the girls feel claustrophobic, but as the dark shadows of the twilight turned to dusk the discomfort of the situation morphed into exhaustion and they slept peacefully.

The witching hour had come and gone, the clock had rung its final chime and the echo bounced in the eerie hall. The girl awoke, her hair crumpled by the pillows and thinking distorted by the sudden interruption of her slumber. She wobbled on the mattress, trying to stand only to find that the rest of her companions from the night prior were not in sight. A cold draught blew through the window, wide open and chipped at the sides as if someone had forced their way into the room. She turned on the light above her, dangling by a wire and chain and glanced around the room hesitantly, discovering a trail of blood, thin, but distinct, winding its way through the mass of bedsheets to the beige carpet below. She made her way to the door and her heart pounded wildly in her chest. She reached for the doorknob, the brass handle cold to the touch and twisted it open. A vague shadow, altered by the lack of light fled from sight, a sliver of luminescence darting across his disguised features.

She left the room, footsteps light and fleeting on the floor. She trod carefully to lessen the noises, her breath shallow. She searched for her parents' room; the hall had been altered in a dreamlike manner, shifted so everything was out of place. She turned, a door now visible behind her. She made her way towards it, her stride stiffened with nerves. She opened the door, eyes wide with anticipation, only to see something horrid. Her friends, strung from the ceiling using their intestines as rope, their bodies defaced with blood and organs, their stomachs wrapped over their heads giving and opaque mask and hair binding their wrists. Strung up in a row to make a curtain of sorts, the only unharmed limbs being their legs. She gagged at the appalling sight, tears welled in her eyes. The grief had struck her like a bullet to the lungs, but she had to keep moving, she had to find her parents. She pushed past the curtain of defaced corpses, cringing at the sticky texture of their blood-coated skin but kept going. She saw her parents. They were lying in bed, a bloodstained blanket covering them. She lifted the sheet, hands sticky with the blood of her friends, and threw it to one side. Her parents were in a worse state, their eyes ripped out and sewn to the palms of their hands, her mother had her lungs removed from her chest and wrapped around her feet, her teeth floating in the claret filled cavity that remained in their place. Her father had his stomach removed and engulfing one of his hands, in its place his feet had been inserted, the flesh, black and rotting as if it had been removed years before. She screamed, covering her mouth to stifle the cry that had ripped its way from her vocal chords.

She started to cry, tears streaming silently down her cheeks and trickling onto the floor. One of the teardrops landed on her hand and flowed smoothly off quickly gathering the red pigment from her skin. A sudden rage filled her at the sight of the tear-diluted blood that had splashed so smoothly onto the floor and a need for revenge surpassed her better judgement. She went over to her parents' mutilated bodies and in that moment made a vow, a vow to discover whoever did this and punish them for their actions.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2019 ⏰

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