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Sarah's POV

What the hell was that?

Why did he kiss me?

Did he mean to?

Dose he like me?

He's a fricken killer! He can't love...

Can he?

A horn honked and brought me out of my trance, I waved sorry to the car I walked infront of and moved on. I started to run towards the studio at full speed. I burst through the doors and saw my dance instructor, Jessy. "Sarah! Your here amazing!" She said clasping her hands together. I also call her Ms. Amazing because she always puts te word 'Amazing' into her sentences.

"Your on in 25 minutes! Go sign in and meet me back here! Ah. This is amazing!" I smiled at her and nodded.

I walked over to the sign in sheet, someone tapped me on the shoulder. "Exsuse me miss. Are you Sarah?" I turned and saw two cops.

Uh oh.

"Yes... What do you want?"

"We need you to come in and answer a few questions about the murders in the forest."

I frowned. "I can tell you what happened, here and now." I crossed my arms. The nodded.

"I was at school and this girl named Gwen, she sent her boyfriend after me along with a bunch of his friends. They cornered me in an ally, but I faught them off, but they knocked me down and brought me to the forest. They cracked on of my ribs, and my arm." I pulled up the glove to reveal my wrap, and I yanked up my shirt to show the growing bruse. Then I went on.

"The main guy, Bryce, tryed to rape me, but I faught him off of me along with the others, and ran home where I collapsed on the porch, probably blacking out." They nodded at my story. I left the part with Jack in it out because I felt like if I told them, they would call me crazy.

"So you have no idea how they died?"

"No." I lied.

"Okay. Sorry about that miss, good luck with your dancing." I smiled and waved. I heard my name get called and I jogged off towards the stage.

I walked into the dark stage. I got in my position to start, my head was down and my arms where close to my body, bent at the elbows so both hands where by my shoulders but one hand tilted out. I took a deep breath and bent my knees. I heard my name be anounced and the lights flashed on. The song "Kill Everybody" by Skrillex came on and I jumped into action.

As I was dancing I noticed a dark figure outside the window. I kept dancing, mabey it's just a tree.

It waved.

Nope not a tree.

I spun, and looked back.


I sighed in relife, it was just Jack getting to me. But then I saw adark figure in the corner and I dint see how close to the edge I got. I looked back and I was about to fall off, my I put an alternate and did a flip, landing it.

The crowed cheered and I let out a breath I din't know I was holding. People came and gave me hugs and high fives. I walked back up into the stage waited for the others to join me for the scoring.

The highest score so far was a 9.5, and there was still another girl and me left.

The girl scored a 9.8.

Gah! I probably din-

"Sarah: 10!" I gasped at this! I looked at the other girl and she was speechless.

"Sarah Tyler is our winner everyone!" They handed me a metal. All I did was gape. I was so happy!! I just won a metal, $50 and a possible spot in the championships in London! I squeaked at the metal was placed around my neck. I looked for the shady figure and when I found it I hopped off the stage and slowly walked towards it.

"Nice dancing." A voice growled.

My eyes widened and I turned to run but they caught my wrist and dragged me out of the studio.

I tried to scream but a cold hand clamped over my mouth. Their strong grip on my arms din't let me throw any punches at them and because I was being dragged I couldn't get a fair grip on the ground to break free.

I saw a tree pass me, then another, and another. They where bringing me into the forest! I squirmed and finally got a grip on the ground. I pushed off and my head went slamming into their jaw. They groaned and loosened their grip in me and I ran.

I din't get far before I was tackled.

"Jeff please! You don't need to do this!" I screamed.

"You shoved my face into a fridge!" And with that he slammed the knife into my stomach. I screamed, but blood just dripped from my mouth.

Why is it always knives to the stomach?!

My poor stomach probably looks like it got attacked by a cat on crack.

Jeff leaned down. "You've been through a lot. You should go to sleep." He yanked the knife out if my stomach and started to walk away.

I pushed myself up, clutching my stomach like my all my organs would poor out any moment, I shakily stood and tripped. I leaned on a tree for support, I called after Jeff.

"But I'm not tired..."

He stopped in his tracks and slowly turned. He ran at me agin with his knife outstretched. He was almost to me but a dark shadow knocked him away. I gasped when figured out that the dark shadow was Jack.

He was standing over Jeff who was on the ground with a stab wound on his shoulder, he quickly got up, holding his shoulder, and ran away. I tried to walk over but fell in the process, I got my feet under me again and pushed myself up but just to fall over again. I grunted as I hit the hard, mossy ground. Two hands where suddenly on my shoulders pulling me up gently.

I stumbled but shook the person's hands off. I looked at the person, it was Jack. I let out a sigh, then got light headed. Jack was immediately at my side again, but I tried at shaking him off again, I din't need his help, but I was too weak.

"Hey, I'm trying to help you." Jack said putting his arms around my waist to stop the blood and to keep me steady. "I d-don't w... I mean I-I'm not p-pathetic..." I stuttered, I tried again to shake Jack off but finally gave in and we limped home.




I feal this was a very long

E.J: I'm chapter.... Can I take their kidneys?


E.J: Whhhhyyyyyyeeeee?!

Because! You want them to read your story? Then they need their kidneys for that!

E.J: you don't need a Kidney to read!

I think yall should run...

Bye for now!


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