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The night was icy cold, there was nothing but  the whooshing sound of wind, everything was pitch black, and the mist had engulfed the whole alley, only the yelping sound of street dogs were audible in this spine-chilling night and if anything, it was making the whole thing even more frightening. Mishti shivered to the core and rubbed her arms in order to make them a little warmer, but in vain. Never again!  She decided then and there! Never again was she doing the over time, no matter what the consequences. She was whispering prayer to all the gods, she just wished that she reached the safety of her tiny apartment as soon as she could. She increased her pace and reminded herself, just two more blocks, c'mon, MishtiThe night was cold, no doubt, after all it was December and in Dehradun December was freezing but suddenly she felt more than how a cold night should feel, she felt her bones were freezing, it was as if something was circling her, something that was so chilling that you'd forget to breath, so chilling that your heart couldn't pump and your blood circulation would stop, she felt frosty, frigid, and as if bound by a spell she couldn't even move an inch! She tried to scream but terror had gripped her and had swallowed her voice, no sound came out of her, she wasn't even shivering, it was almost as if death had tightened her grip on her and any moment now, any moment and she'll die.

Suddenly she saw something out of the corner of her eyes, some movement had caught her eyes, she couldn't move her neck to see what exactly it was, she just saw something moving and coming towards her and then out of the blue a man was standing in front of her, she couldn't see his face, for his head was bent and his long hair was cascading his features from her. She could just make out his built, and he was a large man, not only tall, but broad too, not too much but in sort of hulky way. In short he was a man not to be tempered with. He didn't look at her, instead he turned around and said in a hushed whisper

"You shouldn't be wandering in a night like this, little girl. You'd be a feast to a lot of hungry wolves.....and others"  Mishti didn't know what to say, but she was just relieved that the numb  feeling had now left her, she could breath bow, her heart could pump, her blood could short, she wasn't going to die! And for that she has this, to thank for. She must've been hallucinating and that's why she had gone so scared and had panicked.

"Thank you so....." But before she could complete, he turned around and signalled her to stay quiet by putting his foreigner on his lips, she complied silently. He took her hand in his and she felt his fingers were icy cold, she felt the bone chilling cold from his finger through her woolen gloves, and she couldn't help but notice that his hand was so pale that it was so clearly visible in this blinding night, she also noticed that he wasn't wearing anything warm, just a black shirt and black slacks.  Does he not feel any cold?  She wondered  and kept walking as he led her down the path. Soon they reached the brick building in which she lived, without asking her he led her inside the building and ascended the stairs to her apartment, which was on third floor. She didn't know how but he stopped in front of her door, even though there was no name plate there, and even if there was one, e wouldn't know her name, would he? She hadn't told him, after all. She was so confused! She started to ask him all the questions that were bubbling in her mind but before she could open her mouth, he said

"Go inside, Now!!"  And as if sensing her protest he pushed her inside and shut the door. She had gotten three steps back  just by his slight touch on her arm, if it wasn't for the table on the side, she'd have fallen! She straightened herself and opened the door to teach him some manners, but he was gone! Vanished as if in thin air! 

"Who are you?" She whispered to herself.

So guys this was the prologue, please tell me if you all liked it, and if I should continue it further...? I want to dedicate this story to my dearest friend Swati....she tells me that she loves vampires' stories so this one is for you Swatu💜💜💜😍😍😍😘😘

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2019 ⏰

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