chapter 2

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"I'm what!" I screamed at my doctor shaking him by his shoulders. "Pregnant," He told me yanking on my hands that were holding his shirt in a death grip. I collapsed on the ground crying. I just turned 17 and I am pt. I looked through my phones contacts and found the number Faith gave me if I ever wanted to come back. I explained the situation, and she said that they would all come and get me, and that I should tell my parents. I called my dad and told him I was pt and who Logan was and yea, just everything. He listened then said, "I am disowning you, you can do whatever you want now."

I fell on the ground crying right in front of the doctor, "What is wrong now?" He asked clearly agitated. "My dad just disowned me," "Pfft so." He said and pulled me off the ground. He told me to leave and I went to Amy's(My house right now). I told her and she said she was happy for me and thought it was sweet that he was coming to get me.

Three days later: Logan wouldn't talk to me and wouldn't listen to what I had to say. The one thing he told me was, "You make me sick." I started crying and ran into Faith's arms violent and loud sobs racking my body. He just scoffed and pushed past me to pick up my suitcase. After I had calmed down, I tried talking to him again. "Why did you cover it up?" He asked me before I could say anything. "Cover what up?" He pointed to the scarf that was covering his mark, "You really do hate me that much don't you?" Several tears rolled down my cheeks against my will and I slapped him. "I don't hate you! You were the only thing I could think about for 3 months and you dare tell me that I hate you! You are so blind!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and the look in his eyes softened, "Oh," he said and brushed the bangs out of his eyes. Faith looked at me through the rearview mirror and Cameron was making mock kissy faces at me. I grabbed Logan by the collar brought him to me and kissed him, at first he was shocked then he pulled me onto his lap and kissed me back. I moaned, and he smiled into the kiss. He deepend the kiss his tongue flicked across my bottom lip asking for intrance which I quickly granted. Faith cleared her throat, "Ahem! We are at the house, are you guys gonna be sharing a room?" Logan waved his hand at her and continued kissing me, "I'll take that as a yes." I pulled away from Logan and said, "We better go," I went to get out first, there was a bottle right outside the door and I tripped. I cried out as pain throbbed in my ankle, Logan jumped out of the other side and ran over to me. "Lori, are you okay," He rolled my pants leg up and said, it isn't broken but it got popped out of place I am going to have to pop it back in." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a bandana and told me to bite down on it. My scream was muffled but the bandana couldn't stop the tears. Logan whimpered and rested his head in the crook of my neck, "I'm sorry," He said pain in his voice. "It's okay," I lied it hurt like hell and I was pissed at him. He picked me up bridal style and jogged over to his house doors. He kicked the door open, his mom and Cameron were standing there. He carried me up the stairs to our room.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and breathed in his scent, mint and a faint smell of cigarettes. "Do you smoke?" I asked him. "Yea, I was hoping you wouldn't notice," "Why," "I don't know." We were at the door to our room. He sat me down in a chair beside the door opened it, then picked me up again. He took me and layed me on the bed and grabbed a blanket and sat down in the chair. "What are you doing?" I asked him. "I am giving you your space." "What if I don't want space," I said. "Stop lying and just go to sleep." "I don't want space, Logan, I want you." I didn't realize I had thought out loud until he looked at me and said, "Do you mean it?" "Every word," I told him. He climbed in the bed beside me and wrapped his arm around my waist the other one was holding up his head. I smiled at him and placed a gentle kiss on his lips, "Goodnight," I said. He turned off the light and about 5 minutes later he said, "I love you," I turned to where I was face to face with him and planted another kiss on his lips.

He kissed me back, and I said, "I think I might love you too."

I woke up extremely cold that morning. I walked over to my bag put on my black tee with the rainbow colored heart, my purple skinny jeans, and my knee high neon green converse. I walked down the stairs still half asleep and ran into a wall. I opened my eyes and looked up the wall had light brown hair and dark chocolate brown eyes. "Hi I'm Alex," He said, his voice was deep but smooth, unlike Logan's which was deep and hinted at with a bit of Irish accent. He smiled at me and I nearly melted he had a gorgeous smile.

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