Chapter 5b

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     She opened her door and stepped out, walking around the back of the carriage to join the two cavalry officers. “Please stay in the carriage, Your Highness,” the Captain said again.

     Ardria ignored the request. “There's a battle going on ahead of us,” she said. “We can't take the route we were expecting to take.”

     “That's right, Your Highness. Corporal, please fetch the map of the area.”

     The other soldier nodded and went to the carriage, reaching in through the open door and under the Captain's seat. He pulled out a selection of folded up maps, selected the one he wanted and put the rest back before returning to the Captain.

     Tamwell opened it up, found the area he wanted and folded it back against the creases so that that part was on top. “The battle sounds to be about twenty miles away,” he said. “So it’s probably around here. Randoll Flats. Why are we trying to defend that place?”

     “There’s a high value asset to the north of it,” replied Ardria. “They must have orders to defend it.”

     The Captain glanced up at her, then nodded and looked back at the map. “Okay, then. So our chaps will probably fall back this way, to the east, to defend Cody Gap. The battle will probably go north from there. To avoid it, we can either go further east, to Hornby, then go north through Scontown...”

     “That'll put three days on our journey,” protested the Princess.

     “Yes, but it’s safe. We should be able to get to Erestin without any trouble. That's what I advise we do.”

     “What's the other possibility?”

     The Captain looked unhappy. “The land to the west of here is basically just farmland. Nothing worth attacking or defending. Technically, the front line crosses it somewhere, but we might be able to sneak through without seeing a single soldier, either ours or theirs.”

     “If it’s undefended, why aren't the Carrowmen swarming through it?”

     “An invading army can't leave undefeated enemy positions behind it. They have to go to the places we're defending. We're not defending the Green Belt, so they have no reason to go there.”

     “There's still a chance we might come across a Carrow patrol,” pointed out the Corporal. “When they see Helberion rangers they might just attack before we have the chance to explain ourselves.”

     “But it takes us the way we want to go,” replied Ardria. “Towards Carrow. We'd probably save weeks going that way.”

     “Two weeks at least,” agreed the Captain, “but we rejected that route for a reason. Corporal Cody’s right, the risk’s too great.”

     “Everything about this mission is risky,” said the Princess, though. “We're going to the capital of the country we’re at war with. What if we fly the white flags and go openly along the main roads? Any Carrow troops would investigate before attacking, wouldn’t they?”

     “We are going to be entering Carrow territory sooner or later,” pointed out the Corporal. “Even if we go the long, safe way. Maybe the sooner we put the front line behind us, the better.”

     “Easy for you to say that,” replied the Captain. “You're not the one the King's going to crucify if anything happens to his daughter.” He examined the map again, folding and unfolding it to look at other parts of the country further away. “Perhaps if we take the road to Old Hasland, then north to Appernowle...”

     “Barrow Hill would be more direct,” said the Princess.

     The Captain shook his head. “Takes us too close to Calem Ware. Two railway lines cross there, which makes it strategically valuable. It'll probably be occupied by a sizeable Carrow garrison. I'd prefer to give the place a wide berth.” He looked up at the Princess, “I still recommend the eastern route, Your Highness.”

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