Chapter 16

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It was seven in the morning when I woke up, walking to the toilet to have my morning shower. I knew it was Saturday and I was supposed to stay in bed. Usually I would wake up around nine on weekends but there was an exception.

I got under the shower, cleaning myself as my mind was thinking about Melissa. She would come back to school on Monday since her two weeks of suspension was already over. I was so happy that I wouldn't need to be alone at school anymore. It wasn't that I had no one there because Jennie had been my companion since Melissa wasn't around actually. But what I meant by alone was, I felt so empty without Melissa even though Jennie and her pack were there for me.

Because Lisa was still my very best and only companion. Period.

I exited the shower and got myself ready. Melissa would take me for an event at the city centre, with my mum's permission of course. It was an event for Melissa Foundation under Maas Corps that her father forced her to involve in just for the public image. It was her first time attending such event and she was so nervous, especially when that charity foundation was built under her name.

It was also the first time Melissa Foundation would channel its charity money to more than 20 orphanage homes and to plant the history of where it started. It would always be a very famous story of a younger Melissa; the one with a heart of gold that was behind it.

She asked me if I would be comfortable to accompany her to the event. She didn't have to do anything much anyway since her father was the one who would give a speech and hand in those mocked up cheques to the representatives on stage, officially. She would just need to sit at a round table and socialise with people around, again, just for a public display of course.

But Melissa wasn't that kind of person. She wasn't a talker. Even with the people she was close with; me for example, she would only talk when she needed and wanted to. It was depended on her mood that day. So that was why Melissa asked for my help to follow and sit beside her at the table. She wouldn't want to feel awkward or anything similar during the event.

I denied it at first actually just to see her reaction towards it and also because I didn't have an appropriate outfit to wear for such big event. I was just a regular fifteen year old girl, unlike Melissa, she had her own stylist who chose and decided what she would wear. I even teased her about not going and she tried so hard to convince me until to an extent where she demanded her stylist to pick an outfit for me as well.

She was so cute when she wanted something from me. Melissa would put full effort in convincing, and it wasn't like I needed it. Honestly, I wasn't that kind of Elite girls who were very hard to please. She could've just asked me and I would say yes, definitely. There was nothing I wouldn't do for her. But I played it hard just because I wanted her to talk to me more. I wanted her to keep bugging me until I got satisfied of having her all over me.

That was my only ego I had with her. Sometimes I thought if I had became possessive. I wanted her to talk to me always. I wanted her attention on me. I wanted her to touch me always whenever she pleased even though I would act like I disapproved it especially if we were at school. I even had started to think if she ever had her eyes on other girls, or talk casually to one behind my back. It could be nothing but I would still feel the jealousy building up inside me.

I guessed that was what came along with love. Love wasn't just all beautiful things and butterflies. If one dared enough to play and possess love, then one should know how to deal with heartbreak and bottles of vodka that had pain sticker on them. One should expect to get drunk and hangover, and headache and drink again the next day.

As what I learned in my literature class; everyone will hurt you. Everyone. I just had to pick one who was pain worthy and I already found one. She was my one and only Melissa Maas. She would definitely, certainly, surely, absolutely, undeniably be worth it.

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