chapter 7: "scared"

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Reddy's POV

We came out the portal and we saw: the world we're all block the sheep is block, the tree are blocks, the sun is block, then my hands were blocks, then me and E- E (Elise) looked at each other and we screamed. "AAAAAAA!!!" We both jump back, "what happened to you?! You all... blocks!" "Idk what happened you?!" Then we both stop and saw a sign right next to the chest. I opened it while E- E read it out loud. "Welcome to Minecraft! This is where you build stuff, an do some avengers too. But be careful, theirs zombies, witches, skeletons with bow and arrows, enderman,  spiders at night their tried to kill but at day light they don't so don't worry about them at day light, okay have fun play Minecraft!" She looked at me surprised with wide eyes. "R- Reddy? Didn't you get that their are z- zombies, spiders, and witches too?!" I got up and got all the stuff that was in the chest, "hey don't worry. Nothing bad gonna happen." She then looked at me serious. "Reddy, you just had to say that."  We walked off to check out this place.

1 hour later

Elise's POV

We been walking for 1 hour and I can't even tell if we been here cause everything here looks the same. The sun was going down slowly. I realized that we need a place to sleep for tomorrow. "Reddy, we need a place to sleep. And we haven't found shelter for us too." He looked at me. "Don't worry, there probably a cave for us to sleep, but the candy would be a good timing to eat them"

1 hour later for searching the cave.

Sill Elise's POV

And more hours have pass and it's almost night time, but we finally found the cave. We set up our sleeping bag and lay down. We both looked at the stars for a while then I started to get worry and scared, I turned my head to Reddy, "Reddy?" He turned his head towards me too, "yeah E-E?" "Do you think we made a bad choice?" He looked at me confused. "What are you talking about? There still more cool adventure ahead of us and we didn't died." One tears came down of my check. "What if my Dad got really mad at me and will hurt me more than last time." He looked at me shock, then more tears came down from me. "W- what if I died from my Dad for hurting me more and more?! What if he throws me into the portal and I'll probably get lost and I'll probably died there alone. W- w- what if-" "E-E, please calm down. You know that I'll be there because we're best friends. And nothing can break us apart, you know why? Because you're a great kid, you're a special kid, you're smart and brave, don't let your Dad let you know that you failed or disappointed, don't let him bring all your dreams down." I then stop crying and smiled. "Thank you so much. No one actually say that to me because...well my Dad never let me gets friends and you're my first friend." "You're welcome kid. Good night kid." "Good night."

At Bryan's pizzeria

Bryan's POV

I'm tired...i'm so dizzy. I haven't slept for days. I took a sip of my coffee. My eyes were closed. I opened my eyes wide really quickly.

I thought of myself: why do I feel like there'll be anyone running in here like wild animals? Then I hear foot steps. A lot of foot steps running. "Oh no-" I was cut off by all the kids running away out of the portal room.

Then I saw kid me. Oh my pizza... It's the daycare kids. Then kid me ran towards me and grab my leg and had his eyes wide open, scared, sad, and it's look like he saw a ghost. "Big me! T- there be a problem at the daycare!" "What happened" I got on my knees to be in his height. "T- t- there were these people, they came out of the portal from the outside. They had rainbow eyes. They had a creepy smile and when they sang. One of our friend became just like them and kept on smiling." That sound serious because I sometime don't believe little me when he said like the aliens came or something else. "Alright I know that all you children won't be able to fit in my car so I guess you could stay in there with Rockstar Freddy."

"Wait is Rockstar Freddy still alive big me?!" "He is. He just doesn't want to turn on"...little me finally lets go of my leg. "Oh...okay...see ya in the morning big me."

They all went to the room where Rockstar Freddy was. What is going on around here? I'll figure out later then.

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