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The tournament was going, Team Rwby were fighting with Team Abrn.

Y/n and Pyrrha was sitting on the opposite side of Pyrrha's team mate.

It was two weeks since the fall of Atlas' General. Now Pyrrha belly had gotten bigger too.

As they were watching them fighting, Y/n was gently rubbing the small bulge in Pyrrha.

"*Chuckle* Our baby is growing" Y/n said at his girlfriend.

"I know, but what if we are not ready" Pyrrha said, having her baby hormones. Y/n enjoy her, being like this, it was really sweet and kinda funny to watch her 

"We are, you and I just have to wait" Y/n said. Pyrrha smiled and they both hug each other.

"Wanna go out and wait for them?" Y/n ask, Pyrrha nodded and they both left.

They left the colosseum and headed to the campus of where the food were.


While Y/n and Pyrrha were in the campus, Y/n's scroll let out a ring, He look at it and it was Cinder, she typed a message.

'Be careful with these two, they use to be working for me' Cinder message say, then two pictures show up.

'Be careful with these two, they use to be working for me' Cinder message say, then two pictures show up

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Y/n turn off his scroll and felt Pyrrha clinging onto him

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Y/n turn off his scroll and felt Pyrrha clinging onto him.

"Who was it?" She ask.

"Cinder, She told me to watch out of a girl with dark skin and green hair, and a guy with silver hair" Y/n said to her.

"I think I use to fought that guy before" Pyrrha said.

"Really?" Pyrrha nodded.

"I use my semblance on him, but I didn't use a lot but he almost trip" Pyrrha said, this got his interest, he needed to talk with Cinder about these two people.

"Hey, there's Ruby and her team" Pyrrha said, pointing out.

Y/n look and saw them, and the girl with green hair and a guy too.

"They're there too" Y/n said "Come on" Y/n lead Pyrrha.


"We voted for Blake and Weiss" Blake said to the Green hair girl.

"Guys!" They heard a voice behind the girl, they saw Y/n and Pyrrha walking towards them.

"Hey" Yang said as Y/n and Pyrrha were beside the girl.

"Did you win?" Y/n ask.

"Yeah! and it was awesome" Ruby said. 

"I wish we would be there, but Pyrrha doesn't want to wait, she get hungry then her usual time" Y/n said.

"But we could eat something" Ruby said.

"Me and Pyrrha will go to one of the campus and try the food, we could see each other next time" Y/n said, as they left.


Y/n and Pyrrha were together as Y/n was thinking about the end of the White Fang Headquarter.

Even the invasion of the Grimm that had happen on the same day as Ironwood's death.

After a while, Y/n saw Pyrrha to get sleepy. Y/n brought Pyrrha back to Beacon and let Pyrrha to fall asleep in their room.

Y/n left the room and headed to Cinder and Neo's dorm.

Y/n knocked on the door and Neo came and open the door.

"Hey Neo" Y/n said, Neo smiled and leap up and given him a kiss.

"Where is Cinder?" Y/n ask, Neo pull out her scroll and began to type.

"She left to find you, before they do" Neo 'Said'. 

"Could I stay here, my girlfriend is sleeping in our room" Neo nodded and bring him in. Y/n layed down and Neo came over and lay on him and stealing his warm body.

Neo smiled that she got Y/n all to herself and not sharing with anyone. Neo felt happy, this was the first time in the long years of her not being happy, but now she's happy. Y/n may treated her as a child, but she knows that Y/n didn't mean it.

As Neo were about to fall asleep in his grasp, Neo fell on the bed sheets as her door open and saw Cinder coming through the door and cuddling with Y/n.


'Cock Blocker' 


Neo was pouting that Cinder came and took Y/n. Cinder told him about them, Emerald and Mercury and how she had recruited them in younger ages and told him about their semblance and how it would be useful for the tournament.

"Could we hack into and switch them apart?" Y/n ask. Cinder nodded, she grabbed her scroll and say that she had hack into the CCT and hoping that this might be able to help them out.

Y/n grabbed her scroll and see that Yang and Weiss were fighting with Neon and Flint. Y/n nodded and give Cinder's scroll back to her. Soon Neo and Cinder then team up and brought down Y/n to the bed and slept with him.


Y/n left the dorm while Cinder and Neo were sleeping and Y/n had decided to see Team Rwby. As Y/n was by their door, He heard some sniffling in the room. Y/n knocked on the door and Ruby came.

"Hi!" She said as she given Y/n a kiss.

"Hey Rubes, what is going on?" Y/n ask "I'm hearing sniffles" Ruby open the door and saw Blake with red eyes, Y/n immediately ran up to her and sat beside her on her bed.

"Blake, what happen?" Y/n said with worried.

"A-adam" Blake said.

"What did Adam do?" Y/n ask.

"Adam, he texted Blake a picture of his dead father" Yang said. Y/n stared at Yang with wide eyes, soon he look down and his eyes were beginning to flicker into red.

Then he left to the door.

"Where are you going?" Ruby said.

"I am going to find Adam, and I will make him pay" Y/n said, turning back at her with his red eyes "He might kill your father, but I will kill him before he could get your mother" Y/n left their dorm and called his entire army.

Shy Boy and Invincible Girl (Pyrrha x MaleReader x Rwby Harem)Where stories live. Discover now