One Bird

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Youngae is the kind of woman that would see a homeless person and would hand them one of the varieties of pamphlets she carries in her purse. She's allowing herself to age gracefully, allowing the gray to highlight the sides of her face and moisturizing daily. She loves Yoongi and his father with her whole heart. Loves people. Loves being loved by people.

Being the kind of woman she is, Youngae can't stop at handing Yoongi a pamphlet like she does for the others in need. She goes deeper into her purse, past the pamphlets, past the band aids and loose change, and her finger skims the piece of paper she's looking for. Youngae holds it closely being sure the ink is still readable while questioning her decisions.

She takes a few moments to think it over, then punches the numbers into her phone with no hesitancy remaining...

. . . . . .

Youngae presses a kiss to her husbands temple, he looks up at her with a smile crinkling his eyes.

"How was work?" He asks her with the same smile while she sits beside him on the couch. Youngae can't help but look to Yoongi, their eyes meet.

"Fine." She replies, Yoongi blinks at her then glances back down at his phone. He can't focus on the page anymore though. Why wouldn't she tell? She always tells, and with reason. Yoongi doesn't blame her, but now when he's about to flunk once and for all, she's quiet. What does she want? Yoongi narrows his eyes in distaste, he doesn't like being in debt. He doesn't like lying to his father.

Yoongi sulks up to Youngae slowly after dinner when his father is taking is regular two hours on the toilet, what he does, no one really knows. Yoongi is guilty like a dog standing beside shredded paper. Youngae owns Yoongi with this secret, he is her dog.

"Why didn't you tell dad?" He asks not able to meet her eyes.

"He has enough stress on him right now because of work, I have it handled. I looked at your schedule, you have a tutor now, she's meeting with you here for three hour sessions every Tuesday and Thursday till the end of this semester or until you step up yourself." Youngae puts on a firm face but on the inside she's slipping. Maybe I'm being too harsh. Is this embarrassing him? I'm not even his mom! He's not going to take me seriously!

"Okay. But I don't need one." Yoongi replies, Youngae is shocked by his ease, but only for a moment.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't need a tutor."

"Okay, but your grades are suffering. You go to school, you're intelligent, you work hard, I just don't get it. So this tutor is what I can do! I won't let you fall Yoongi, I can see that you are allowing yourself to. I just can't let you. I," she pauses. "I love you too much, kid. I see too much in you. Just go to the sessions, sit down, talk. Make a friend. Do homework with her. Just find what you need."


"Now, please don't stay up too late. I have to reply to some emails before I go to bed. Goodnight, Yoongi. I love you."

"Love you too, Youngae." Yoongi replies walking out, he's so stony it almost scares Youngae. She's seen boys like her son before. They have it all but for some reason it's not enough, they're not enough, then they fall. Fall into drugs, get someone pregnant, kill themselves or someone else, go to jail, become homeless, etc. But those kids had no one to lean on, Youngae demands that Yoongi will lean on her. She just hopes that the weight won't be too much to carry.

A/N: Sorry these are so short. I just need to set things up but also don't want to take forever to set it up...if that makes sense. By the way, the songs that I link aren't necessary but it kind of gives you the feelings of what I feel while writing. This story will have a lot of piano pieces because I'm extra and Yoongi. Thank you for reading. <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2019 ⏰

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