Malak's POV

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*I'm going to put a point of view for Malak between each new stage, as he would usually appear in the levels with you or would stand behind the door in the ballroom. Anyways let's get started...*


I was currently sitting in my throne room watching over the pitiful souls that were being tortured in my domain. Normally I would be excited to see this, especially when I get new victims that are killed by my loyal minions, due to that arrogant Bierce trying to get my ring pieces in order to steal my powers and become all powerful.

But instead I got bored and lonely as, while being an almighty and fearful ruler of hell was fun, it made you feel like something was missing in life. I've tried to fill that empty void up many times but have failed miserably.

I then finally realized that what I was missing was a person to love and care for me like those fools in heaven have significant ones in their lives. I wanted someone that not only was kind and pure of heart, but someone that also had a dark side to them as well.

Many demons and succubus have come to try and be that dream woman that I wanted, but I rejected all of them as they weren't my soulmate. I had almost given up hope, when I heard Bierce's annoying voice again apparently talking to someone.

I was going to ignore it, until I heard an angelic voice beg to Bierce asking for another chance. I then walked to the door that was connected to Bierce's domain and looked through the glass eye.

What I saw made my non-human heart beat rapidly. Inside was a young woman with (h/l/c) hair and beautiful (e/c) eyes.

Her lips looked so ripe and smooth that I imagined me kissing them tenderly. I fell in love with this mortal instantly and knew that she is the one.

I then heard Bierce explain to my angel about the ring and it's powers. She then directed her to one of my nightmare portals saying they are scattered in each one.

I growled angrily at this, how dare that slimy witch put my beautiful flower in harm's way. I had to make sure that the creatures in that realm knew not to hurt their future queen.

I then teleported into the first portal before my love could get inside. I summoned the minions of this portal, which were the murder monkeys, to me.

They all quickly crawled over to me and began to bow down to me, like I was a god to them, which I was. "M-master! What brings y-you here to our w-world?", one of them says to me rasply.

"There is another human that is going to come into this portal and try to retrieve the soul shards. When she does come inside, I want all of you to chase after her. BUT do not kill her!!! She is your future queen and my bride! If I find out that any of you so much as leave a cut on her delicate skin, I'll tEaR yOuR bOdIeS uP uNtIl tHeRe Is NOTHING LEFT!!! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!?!?!?!?!?!", I said warning them all to do my bidding. They all fearfully nodded as they all scrambled away to do their jobs.

I then teleported back to my throne room and sat there as I watched the woman of my dreams (who I finally found her name is y/n l/n) jump into the nightmare portal. "Don't worry, my love! Once I take care of that terrible witch, I'll bring you to my world where you'll be my queen, wife, and mother of our children...", I said out loud to myself.

And I'll kill everyone that stands in my way...

Yandere Malak x Female Reader (Currently On Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now