hear.t fm | han jisung

755 75 18

originally posted on my tumblr under the username "luvknow"!


"What's up, guys? You're tuning into 3RACHA Radio ~ It's me, SPEARB, and your boy CB97 at the mic without J.ONE tonight 'cuz he's being a lame ass -"

"You listen to this show?" Jisung asked.

You and Jisung listened to your favorite radio station while he sat on your couch in the middle of your apartment living room, waiting patiently for you to finish getting ready. With midterms finishing up and all your essays finally turned in, tonight was the first time in a while since you and your friend got to hung out. Normally, Jisung would be the one rushing to get ready and pick you up on time, but since he wasn't at the studio today, he was actually early for once.

He can't estimate how long he's known you or recall when you two first met, but in all his time knowing you, he had no idea that you listened to the show. There was a moment of panic rising in his chest the second he heard Changbin's voice over your speaker, but since he wasn't in the studio today, there was no way you'd have any suspicion that he's related to the show, right?

"Yeah, you didn't know?" you asked as you closed your bedroom door. "I listen to them all the time. They're so funny."

"Eh, they're all right."

"I bet they're cute ~"

"How can you even tell!?" Jisung scoffed, doing his best to hide his blush.

"I don't know, their voices sound like they'd be cute! You know how some people are attracted to like, sexy voices and what not? It's kind of like that, isn't it?"

"You're so weird." As you walked out the door, he roughly slung his arm around your shoulder, a boyish gesture you were all too used to. It was like his own version of a hug. "So... Which DJ's your favorite?"

Without hesitation, you said, "I like J.ONE the most."

"Oh, really?"

Hearing his DJ name coming from your lips sounded so foreign and it sent a small shiver down his spine. It was weird. His name just sounded so weird coming from you. He's heard his alias being said from all sorts of people in passing or on other radio shows, but when you said it, the feeling was different. He didn't feel the same pride and cockiness he'd always feel. This time he felt embarrassed.

"Why's that?" he asked.

A dreamy sigh escaped your lips. "I love it when he talks with the listeners. He really understands how they're feeling and knows exactly what to say, you know? He's such a good listener. Why can't you be like that?"

"What!? I listen!"

"You fall asleep in your lectures all the time!"

"That's different. I can't help it! 8:00 AM is way too early for anyone's brain to function. Besides, I listen to you when you talk, don't I?"

"No. Remember that one time at the coffee shop when those girls walked passed our table?"

"That was one time."

"Or that other time with the hot waitress at the diner?"

"Ok, I get it -"

"And remember last week when you thought that girl in the library was giving you the look?"

"So I get distracted sometimes, sue me."

There was this diner at the very edge of campus that you and Jisung would always go to. After your first college party, with the drunken munchies the only thing on your mind, you somehow (literally) stumbled upon this late-night gem that had cheap food and you've both been coming here ever since.

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