1) Relationship status: taken <333
2) Birthday: cinco de Mayo, bitchesssss (ack that was rude, you guys aren't bitches-)
3) best friend: uhhhh
The list is too long man-4) Last time I laughed: I think I laughed today but I can't remember why, so yesterday. I was messaging automaticruins and I was like "you're really cute and no one can compare blah blah sappy stuff" and they responded with "well have you looked in the mirror" and I was a giggling mess-
5 and 6) last YouTube video and song I listened to:
7) last book I read: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
8) favorite animal: it changes but rn it's humming birds
9) instrument: hello, guys gals and non binary pals, I am a baritonist~~~ (is that even the proper term??? Idk xD)
10) number of siblings: three. Older step brother (18), younger step sister (11 or 12), and a younger-er half brother (5)
(^^^ 'tag you're it' stolen from sassiest_politiction )