Part 1

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  You and your boyfriend Luciano were currently going through a heated make-out session. You had your hands around is neck and he was holding you onto his lap by your waist. He was whispering some thing in Italian. Thing were starting to get heated, when they get heat Luciano fangs appear, and appear they did. Right on your lip. Now you have blood dripping down your neck.

  You immediately see his eyes turn into a midnight black and he goes in for a bite. You expecting to be bitten. But he stop, he looks at you directly in your eyes, and walks off. You just sit there dumbfounded, why did he leave. "I am getting the first aid kit! Please do not think the worst of everything!" My boyfriend yells.

'Right he can read my mind.' You think to yourself. That is when you realize that there was blood everywhere and it was really bad and you did not know if it would stop. 

Then he came rushing in, but stop. He was contemplating something. He was looking at you, deeply. He then started to walk toward you and sat down next to you. " I am going to have to give you some of my blood onto the wound." Then he lifted his hand up bite it and force you to drink the blood. You were struggling a little from the sudden reaction. " Do not fight it, everything is going to be okay." 

Once he saw you start to heal he took his hand away. He look at you and then at the left over blood. You saw his eyes change again but instead at launching at you like last time. He grab a wet towl that he brought with him and started to clean up the blood. His eyes where still that dangers black but he kept up the fight. 

"You have no idea how hard this is" he said. He was tense, you could see it in his eyes.

"Sweetheart... if you want you can have a taste." He look like me, like I was a idiot. "I do not mind."

He looks down and say " I know how are relationship started makes you think that all I want is your blood. But if I was to continue are orignal relationship..." He looks back a me, put his hand on my check, and cresses my cheek. "I could not live with myself."

I peck his lips and moved away slowly. "I love you. But don't seem to drink human blood anymore. It worryes me that you are going to snap. I know it is not going to be me... But someone else. Probably someone I am close to."

He is still holding my cheek, he puts down the bloody rag in his hands, take my hand, and holds it very tight...  Like he is going to lose me. "Bella bella... Bella" He say that in a ticking his tonge. I look at him, expecting a outburts and I get one. " I AM EATING ANIMAL BLoOd FoR yOu" he yells the first part while getting quiet in the end. "All I want to do is drink human blood. But I could only see myself as a monster after that. You have made me change the way I look at human."

He makes that ticking sound again "I want to be a good example for are children."

I intertwine my finger with his hand, pull it up to my lip, and kiss it. " Sweetheart... You mean so much to me, Please eat."

He starts that ticking sound again "If say I take a sip of you. I would definitely suck you dry." He then grabs you and pulls you into a deadly hug. He realized he was squeezing you, he loosen you up. "I just... want to... be... the best person for you."

"You are"

"No I am not. If I had the power to let go of you. I would have by now. My love is so toxic. I am worried for you."

"I do not want to be let go. I know at first you just saw me just as a blood bag. But I want to be with you forever. I wish you would just turn me... But just like you sa-"

"I could never give you this curse."

"Is it really worth not turning me. You will be all alone again."

"You will have my children. They would keep me company." He puts his hand away from yours and puts it on my stomach. " Eventually I will get you pregnant. It will take a while but it will happen."

  "I actully was supposed to have my period a week ago." He looks at me with this thrill on his face. "I have not taken a pregnancy test yet. Because I want you to be a part of it."

  "Why did you not say anything sooner!"

  "I was going to make a fancy dinner tonight and say it then."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2019 ⏰

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