7. settled dust

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⠀⠀The talent show was quickly approaching, but Kevin was certain that he absolutely did not want to partake in it again. Not if it meant having to see Jacob Bae again.

⠀⠀After the surprising revelations from Jacob's house, they hadn't said a word to each other—partly because Kevin ignored every call and text Jacob had sent his way, partly because he started pulling James Bond-level spy moves to avoid Jacob in real life as well. Unnecessary? Perhaps. It was better for his head and heart this way, though.

⠀⠀He must've been uncharacteristically quiet during lunch amidst Chanhee and Changmin's (mostly Changmin's) rambunctious conversations, because Eric slid over to him and poked him in the cheek, a worried crease in his eyebrows. "Are you okay, hyung?" he asked gently.

⠀⠀Kevin did his best to straighten the slump in his shoulders, but he couldn't get rid of the weariness from his face. All of the emotions he'd been experiencing had been wearing him out, honestly. The constant sniffles and sore throat he was starting to have weren't helping his case either.

⠀⠀He just smiled tiredly. "Do I look that rough, Eric?" He chuckled a bit when his friend nodded, then scratched his nape. "I don't know. Stuff happened with Jacob a couple days ago and it's been kinda tough since," Kevin sighed, allowing himself to slouch again. His head pounded just thinking about it.

⠀⠀Kevin couldn't stifle his amused smile as he watched Eric's concerned expression harden. Since he moved to Korea, the American boy had easily become one of his closest friends, and as a result, Eric knew everything about the whole Jacob situation. It truly touched him to know how much Eric cared for him, but it still amused him nonetheless.

⠀⠀"What did he do?"

⠀⠀Kevin laughed. Eric was usually so cheerful and talkative, so his succinct and curt question was rather out of character. "We hung out at his place and we ended up talking about the fight back in seventh grade," he explained. "It was. . ."

⠀⠀'We had fought the day before. . . I was confused, I guess.'

⠀⠀'No, I don't think the same way.'

⠀⠀'There's something I'm feeling for you now, but I know I still have to fix this before anything else can happen. I know I was wrong, so please—'

⠀⠀". . . a lot, to say the least."

⠀⠀"Do you want me to do anything?" Eric asked, concerned. Kevin shook his head as he smiled. Eric never needed much explanation or thought to jump in and help, which was one of his most endearing qualities.

⠀⠀"Nah, but thanks for having my back like always, bro." He smiled as he did a little handshake with the younger boy. Eric rolled his eyes but grinned widely.

⠀⠀"Ride or die, man. You and me."

⠀⠀Eric looked at him for a second, seemingly calculating something in his head. Then, he put on a smirk out of nowhere and leaned back in his chair. "You still look so down, man. Wanna go to the arcade after school? It's been a while since I destroyed you at air hockey," he teased, a friendly cocky tone in his voice. Kevin snorted.

⠀⠀"Please, I'm Canadian. Hockey is in my blood."

⠀⠀The younger boy raised a brow, unbelieving. "You call losing one to nine being in your blood?" he mocked. Eric crossed his arms, scoffing. "Your hockey skills would make Justin Trudeau cry."

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