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The first Warning sign

The next day Freya got a lot of attention when she showed up on her new motorcycle

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The next day Freya got a lot of attention when she showed up on her new motorcycle. Sheriff wasn't exactly happy last night when she showed up at 2 in the morning on a motorcycle with a new hickey on her neck. Not much he could do though.

She was currently sitting in English when she was called down to the principal's office. She growled under her breath as she stepped into the office seeing Gerard Argent.

"Miss Stilinski take a seat, how are you this afternoon?" He jesters to the seat in front of her. She grits her teeth but sits down anyway. She leans back and crossed her arms.

"I'm great Mr. Argent yourself"

"I'm great now I called you in here because I've seen you've missed quite a bit of school lately" he leans forward crossing his hands on his desk.

"Yeah I mean I was kidnapped for a week by my crazy ex oh wait I'm sorry Kate was your daughter wasn't she?" She smirks leaning forward. Gerard let's a strained smile on his face. He clears his throat.

"You always were a firecracker weren't you" he laughs as she clenched her jaw "but I'm more concerned with that fact multiple people have spotted you leaving school with a Mr Derek hale am I correcrt" he smiles.

"Alright cut the shit Gerard what do you want?" She said leaning back. Gerard smiles back at her standing up causing her to stand up too.

"If i see you outside of school I will kill you and I will kill derek" he grips her by the throat. " I've made it my personal mission to get my vengeance for Kate and you and Derek are number one on my list and if a few betas get in my way then so be it. it's your fault Kate's dead and it'll be your fault if anyone else dies" he says quietly letting her fall the floor. For an old man he certainly had the strength of a young guy. Freya groaned as she got up and left the office deciding to leave school for the day she got out her phone and called Derek.

"Hello I'm glad you called Frey I need your help" she got on her motorcycle and sighed.

"Yeah I need to talk to you meet you at the hide out?" She asked looking into the mirror she seen she already had a bruise forming she defiantly needed to pick up some concealer now. Once Derek agreed they hung up and she rode to Derek.

Freya walked down the stairs to see Erica looking hot her hair no longer frizzy and she had multiple outfits laid out. Isaac was laid on the floor looking at Erica and Derek looked bored out of his mind leaning on the train. Freya laughed at the sight causing all three heads to turn to her. Erica smiled and waved at her.

"Frey! What outfit do I go with to make a grand entrance with" she squealed grabbing the her pulling her to the outfits Freya looked at Derek who had his eyebrows raised an amused look on his face. Freya sighed when she seen he wasn't going to help her. Isaac got up and walked over to them.

"Woah what happened to your neck" Isaac pointed out. Derek shot his head to look at freya.

"Well that's what I came to talk to Derek about" she sighed looking over at him. Derek nodded his head telling his betas to leave. Freya sat down and Derek keeled infront of her examining her neck. Freya moved her head to the side. She explained that they basically had targets on their head. Derek sighed.

"Well I have the last beta picked out I'm going to ask Boyd he'd make a great beta" Freya nodded at him. He was right Boyd was big but she couldn't help but to think about what Scott said.

"Derek why is Erica making a big entrance?" She asked Derek looked over at her he thought for a minute before sighing.

"She wants to show off to the kids who bullied her" Derek shrugged. He knew he shouldn't lie to her but he had to he knew No matter what she said about Stiles that was still her cousin and she loved him.

"Or is it for you to show Scott and Stiles you have another beta?" She asked looking up at Derek. His face went hard something she hadn't really seen on him in a while.

"Not everything is about them freya" he shot back in a cold voice. Freya felt an ache in her at the sound of his voice. He hasn't used that voice with her since they first met. Freya knew she shouldn't feel this way but she did.

"Right sorry Imma just head home for the day" she said getting up grabbing her helmet. Derek looked at her and suddenly felt guilty but he shouldn't. He just nodded his head at her and watched her leave. Normally before either of them left they had a small make out but something was different this time.


Erica sat in Derek's car on the way to the school, she looked up at the mirror to see the panties hanging on it.

"Ew whose are those?" She groaned rolling her head. Derek glanced at them before looking back at the road he still felt bad about snapping at Freya but refused to show it. He was an alpha now he had a bigger target on his back and if he let it be known how much he actually cared about her she would be in a lot more danger.

"They're freya's it's an inside joke between us I guess" he shrugged gripping the steering wheel tighter. Erica glanced at Derek looking him up and down he was definitely a sexy man. She needed to know if she had a shot with him.

"Soooo are you two like dating?" She asked twirling her hair. Derek glanced at her.

"Not technically we just hook up with no strings attached but neither of us like sharing so in a way but not really?" He shrugged being honest of course he was lying to himself. He could never admit the fact that he hadn't even looked at another girl romantically since meeting her. He couldn't admit that he loved hearing her laugh and taking late night rides with her.

"So you're single?" Erica asked. Derek was completely oblivious to her attempts at firting.

"Yeah" he sighed. Derek parked at the entrance of the school instructing Erica on what to do.


Freya was leaned up against her bike, with her arms crossed in the parking lot of the school watching as Erica walked back out getting into Derek's car. Scott and Stiles followed quickly after her. Freya watched as Derek smiled at the two before driving off.

Scott looked up making eye contact with Freya. She just sighed and shook her head before climbing on her bike and riding off. She felt angry with Derek he had lied straight to her face. He was doing that just to rile them up. She found her heart was sinking down in her chest as she realized this wasn't going to be easy. Derek was going to let the power go to his head that lie was the first warning sign.

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