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"I don't want to alarm anyone, but we may have a bit of a problem."

Elena Marie Grimes could have audibly shrieked when she heard those words. She was sick of this camp's 'problems'. They lived in a world filled with undead, flesh eating people, wasn't that enough? Obviously it wasn't enough because one of the survivors, Jim, decided to dig his grave prematurely, catching the attention of Dale, who found it disturbing enough to bring it to the rest of the group's attention.

Elena had to admit, watching a man dig his own grave wasn't the most lighthearted experience, but when confronted his only argument was, "I'm not hurting anyone."

"Yeah," Dale argued. "Except maybe yourself, it's 100 degrees today. You can't keep this up." Agitated, Jim continued his work, getting more restless as the group of survivors watched. "Sure I can. Watch me."

Dale was dumbfounded, concern written all over his face when Lori stepped up from beside Elena. "Jim, they're not gonna say it so I will. You're scaring people." Lori paused as Jim abruptly stopped his work. "You're scaring my son, and Carol's daughter."

Panting, Jim answered with a light tone. "They got nothing to be scared of." At the awkward silence, Jim continued, exasperated. "I mean, what the hell, people? I'm out here by myself. Why don't you all just go and leave me the hell alone?"

While Elena had to admit, watching this man work himself to death was quite disturbing, she thought he had a point. Everyone copes differently, if this was what he wanted, then so be it.

Shane, as usual, had a different opinion, continuing the already dead conversation. "We think that you need to take a break, okay?" He stepped closer, not stopping his word flow as Jim's anger became relevant in his work, Elena could feel the thickness of the tension, and half of her wanted to reach out and stop Shane from continuing an further, but the bigger half knew better. "Why don't you go and get yourself in the shade? Some food maybe. I'll tell you what, maybe in a little bit i'll come out here." Shane paused as the man continued to stab through the earth with his shovel. "I'll help you myself."

Another pause. No answer.

"Jim," Elena's boyfriend kept speaking. "Just tell me what it's about. Why don't you just go ahead and give me that shovel?" At this, Jim stabbed the shovel into the ground, "Or what?"

Shane looked at him, tense. "There is no 'or what', i'm asking you. I'm coming to you and i'm asking you, please. I don't want to have to take it from you."

Jim adjusted his hat, panting. "And if I don't, then what?" This conversation was heading into dangerous territory, Elena could tell, the air was so heavy between the two men, and she had a feeling it wasn't going to lighten up.

"Then you're gonna beat my face in like Ed Peletier, aren't you?" At this, Elena swallowed thickly, Shane's eyes shamefully looking to the ground. Jim continued, "Ya'll seen his face, huh? What's left of it. See, now that's what happens when someone crosses you."

"That was different, Jim." Shane's voice was numb, filled with emotion he wouldn't let himself feel yet.

Amy spoke up from beside Elena, "You weren't there. Ed was out of control." Elena crossed her arms, eyes poring into Jim's. "He was beating his wife, Jim."

"That's their marriage. That is not his." The crazed man shouts aggressively and suddenly, causing Elena to flinch towards Amy, who intertwined her fingers comfortingly with the brunette's.

"He is not judge and jury. Who voted you King Boss, huh?" Jim continued to shout. Shane desperately tried to calm the man down, his eyes trained on the metal shovel in his hands. "Jim, i'm not here to argue with you, alright? Just give me the shovel, okay?" Shane reaches for it, Jim swinging it away in response, repeatedly telling him no.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2019 ⏰

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