C H A P T E R 23

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         What have I done? She must think ill of me now. 
        I don't like the look I saw on her face when she saw me. What was I thinking?

     The thing is that I hadn't realised when Lara had unzipped her dress in front of me because I was so engrossed in my thoughts of Nichole.

        It was when I felt a hand on my face that I realised what was happening. Immediately I saw that, I stood up and tried pushing her off me only to see Nichole behind her.

        "Nichole?" I called out in shock. The contenance on her face when she looked up shows that she had clearly misunderstood the situation. She probably thinks...

           "What's your problem? Why did you do that?" I asked Lara,who had now put her clothes on.

          "What?" She asked, feighing innocence.  Oh spare me!

      "Getting your clothes off and all... why did you do that? We both know it's over between us" I was getting upset.

      "That's not for you to decide, Xander. You're mine until I say otherwise." She replied moving too close for comfort.

      "And... just because I had let her have her for the past four months doesn't make you hers. And that little show was just a reminder to her that this is all a deal. She shouldn't think of falling in love." She added.

       This girl is really sick but her madness has only made Nichole really hurt. I'm sure she thinks that Lara is the reason I've been ignoring her all this while. Oh God!

       I pulled Lara by the neck, slightly choking her.

   "Now you listen to me psycho, stay away from me and my family. What we had was a thing of the past. You're not mine, neither am I yours anymore. You lost that right a long time ago. The only person who has the right to me is Nichole.  Only N-I-C-H-O-L-E and the sooner you get that, the better." I replied and let go of her neck and she coughed continuously.

         I immediately made my way towards the exit but her sickening voice stopped me.

       "You're mine,  Xander. Only mine."  I'm so sure now, she's definitely sick. I hissed and I shut the door behind me.

     I got into the car and drove off. When I arrived, her driver was outside so it means she must be inside, right?


I have checked everywhere; the rooms, pool and even the library but I couldn't find Nichole everywhere.  Where has she gone to?

       Her clothes are missing as well.  Does that mean? Oh no! She's left me. I can't let her leave me too.

        For the first time in my life, I have found someone other than my family and Zac, who truly understands me and I can't afford to lose her. Not now... and maybe not ever.

         I like Nichole alot and I'd tell her that I do and then she'd come back home with me.




           "Calm down,nicky. Please stop crying." Claire cooed whilst patting my back as I engulfed into a hug.

    "Oh claire! You warned me. You warned me but I wouldn't listen. You told me not to do this, if only I wasn't stubborn, this wouldn't have happened to me." I replied whilst pulling away.

       "But now, I've fallen in love for the first time, that too with someone who will never love me back. I'm so stupid."

        "No, you are not. You are not stupid, Claire. I'm sorry this happened but you're just gonna have to forget it. "

    "But, claire. Why did he cheat on me? Even though this was all a deal, I thought the past four months meant something.  I was hoping that he'd say that he too has developed feelings for him. I was hoping that he'd tell me he wanted to make this all real." I looked over at Claire and she gave me a sympathetic smile.

         "He... doesn't love me. He loves Lara.  Only Lara.  Why did I have to find this all out today. Why am I so stubborn? Why didn't I just turn back like Becca had said? Why did I have to turn the knob of the door?" I broke into tears again and Claire tried to wrap me in an embrace but I pulled back again. 

      "Why did he have to come into my life like he did? Why did I have to notice him at the club? Why did I start dreaming about him? Why on earth did he become my boss? Why? Why can't he love me too?"

        Claire wrapped me in an hug and I tightened my hold around her.

    "What's going on, here?" Dad's voice interrupted.  Immediately,  I looked up, he came over to me.

    "Oh, princess! What's wrong with you, baby? You know you can tell me anything."

   "Oh, daddy." I put my arms around him tightly.

     "Calm down, princess. You're fine." He cooed and I sniffled. 

     "Just calm down and tell me everything."

    "I love him, dad."

    "Who? Xander? Ofcourse, you do. Any blind man will see that." He replied chuckling. 

      "And besides,  you got married for the same reason, right?" He wiggled his eyebrows playfully.

  I wish.


"Actually, dad. There is something we need to tell you." Claire interrupted, beating me to it.





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