e i g h t e e n

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jack cries whilst i try to fix all that's going on online at the moment.
why the fuck does everyone have to get all up in his business?

the original post has been taken down.
management called jack and they yelled at him down the phone for twenty minutes, until he put the phone down on them.

i hate his management, they're so rude and fucking homophobic.
everything's a mess.

calming jack down has been the most difficult task though.
i've got him from hysterics to silent occasional tears.

the post has been spread all over the internet, and has hundreds of trending hashtags.
there is not much we can do about it though.
jack's either gonna have to address the rumours, or ignore them completely.
management said that if the rumors are addressed we'll be able to go out in public together.
if the rumors are ignored, we will not be allowed out together at the same time, and our relationship will be restricted to our home.
if the rumors are addressed, the hate will come.
if the rumors are ignored, we'll be safe from the media.
i'm slowly getting bored of this book :/
i've got another book that i'm writing which will be coming out once i've finished it so then i don't feel pressured to get it all done
it's a brad simpson book if you wanted to know :)
after that imma probably write a reece bibby one but i dunno
i've got meet and greet tickets for wdw
i really fucking want them for nhc but they haven't released them yet :(
for my bday i've asked for a fender jaguar bass in red
they're like £600 so i probably won't get it oop

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