Chapter 11:{Busy Day}

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(AJ Lee POV)

I was woken up to somebody kissing my neck softly. I fluttered my eyes opened to find Punk kissing me with his hands tightly around my waist. I giggled softly, and he stopped to look at me.

"Happy to see my little princesses is awake."He said. He began kissing my neck again.

"Hehe, GoodMorning Punky."I said.

I held the back of his head as he continued to kiss me neck. He pulled away, and looked into my eyes.

"I love you."He told me. I giggled.

"I love you too punky."I said. He smiled.

He pulled me into a kiss, and I kissed back.

"What do we have to do today?"He asked me while laying down on my chest.

"Mmm...well we have to go to a Q and A comic con at 1:00, then we have to come back here and pack to take the flight out to Florida."I said. He groaned.

"Ugh! I hate my job."He said. I ran my fingers threw his black hair.

"I know babe, but it's our dream jod."I said. He smiled a little.

"Yea...What time is it?"He asked me.

I looked over at the clock which read 12:30

"12:30, I gotta get ready."I said while getting up.

I went into the hotel bathroom, and brushed my teeth. After that, I decided to put my hair into a french braid. When I got done with my hair, I went to my suitcase to pick out an outfit. I decided to wear one of Punk's 'In Punk We Trust' T-shirts, my red ripped skinny jeans, with my red hightops. Once I put that on, I put on 3 black, red, and white braclets. Once I was done with that, I walked back into the bedroom to find Punk with his shirt off, and the pillow was over his head.

"Punk, it's almost time to go."I said while shaking him.

"I don't wanna go."He said into the pillow.

I giggled a little. I got on top of him, and started to kiss his neck. He groaned, and rolled us over so he was now on top of me.

"Punk get up, and get ready." I said while hitting his chest.

"Or what?"He asked me.

"Or I won't kiss you for a month."I said.

As soon as I said that, Punk got up and got ready. I smiled, and walked into the living room. I took out my phone, and decided to post something on Twitter. I took a selfie of myself, and posted it with the caption of...

'Going to a Q and A comic con, meet you guys there with my amazing boyfriend.'

I looked up to find Punk dressed, and ready to go.

"You ready?"He asked me. I smiled.

I grabbed his hand, and my phone. Punk grabbed his phone, and we were out the door. We were on our way to Comic Con.

*Comic Con*

Punk and I took our seats, and waited for everybody to be seated. Once they did, they clapped for us. I smiled and looked at Phil who put his hand on my thigh and rubbed it smiling back at me. They announced the some new action figures that were coming out before the Q and A started. Once they were done, people started to line up towards the mic. The first person was a little girl with blonde hair. She had my 'Love You Till Your Last Breath' T-shirt on, with some shorts.

"Hi AJ."She said. She was so adorable.

"Hello, sweetheart."I said while pushing my glasses up.

"How do you feel about the total divas?"She asked me.

I was surprised at that one. Since Punk and I are in the same comic con, I thought she would ask a question about us dating, but you know it's her question, and nobody can change that.

"Well, that's a tough question for me. Umm...I think those girls have guts, you know. And, it makes me a little mad because I don't have that same confidence as them to on a reality show. I don't know if you guys have noticed, probably not, but I hate cameras. And, being the person that I am, too me those girls are very very brave, and they have guts, and confidence. And I admire that about them very much."I said finishing my speech. The crowd cheered, and so did Punk. I smiled.

"Thank you."The little girl said.

"Welcome little one."I said. She smiled.

The next person came up to the mic. He looked like he was about to ask Punk a question because, he kept looking at him.

"Punk, this question is for you."The guy began."How do you really feel about AJ?"He asked Punk.

The crowd clapped, and I blushed. I looked over at Punk who was staring at me. He grabbed my hand under the table. He looked back at the guy.

"To tell you truth, umm...this beautiful, outstanding, and gorgeous woman that is sitting next to me right now, is truly my soul mate. I love her with all of my heart, and nothing will ever change that. I want her to be mines forever."He told the guy.

Everybody clapped including me. I blushed also. Punk was so sweet, he is truly my soul mate.

"Thank you very much, Punk."He said. Punk smiled in a 'You're Welcome' type of smile.

The next person was a woman. She had a CM Punk shirt on, with some black skinny jeans.

"Hi, AJ my question is for you?"She began."Will you ever let go of your title?" She asked me.

I felt offended, but I decided to play it cool, and answer her question.

"Umm...never. That thing is staying with my forever. Until my hair is old and gray. WWE might make me lose it one day I mean like, you never know what they are gonna throw at you. But, right now I'm keeping my time with my precious title for as long as I have it."I said. The crowd clapped.

The Comic Con Q and A went on for hours. I actually had fun, and I could tell so did Punk. Once we left, we went back to our hotel room, packed, and drove towards the airport. We had to fly from Chicago all the way towards Florida. We are staying in my house, since I live there. We drove toward the international airport with nothing, but listening to rock music.

*At the International Airport*

Punk, and I took our seats at the gate, and sat down. A little girl came up to me, and asked me for my autograph. I sighed it of course. I just love my fans so much. I layed on Punk's shoulder when they left. She smiled, and kissed my hair.

"I love you, little AJ."He said. I smiled, and giggled.

"I love you too, Punky."I said. She smiled.

Our flight was called, and we entered the plane. Once we took our seats, I looked out the window, and started to daydream. It was interrupted by Punk.

"Babe, you alright?"He asked me wrapping his arm around me.

"Yea, I'm fine."I said.

She smiled at me, and kissed me. I instantly kissed back. I love it when he surprises me with kisses. The plane began to move, and we set off to Florida.

"Passengers, we are now leaving to go to Florida."Said the piolet.

I layed on Punk's shoulder. The last thing I remembered, is the plane taking off before drifting off to sleep.


Author's Note:I'm so sleepy right now guys. I feel like passing out of a soft pillow, and drifting off into a deep sleep. But, I couldn't do that because, I had to upload this chapter. I'm not gonna have Internet for a couple of days, so I'm not gonna be able to post anything.

I didn't listen to any music will writing this chapter...Sorry


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