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Name: Unknown (Alex Zephyr)

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: A white young man with a black shirt and a skull on the front and a black leather jacket with 3 spikes on each shoulder. There are bandoleers with high-caliber bullets on his torso and he has 2 CZ-75's on his hips in holsters with a custom holster in the back filled with a golden revolver he keeps calling the 'Golden Gun'. His legs have black jeans with two 12 gauge Franchi SPAS-12 shotguns strapped to the sides of them. For footwear, he has a pair of black combat boots with spikes on their sides and he has black leather gloves with smaller spikes on the back. On his back, he has an MG-42, an M1919 Browning and a Panzershrek strapped to it, which doesn't seem to hinder him at all. His eyes area deep blue and his hair is jet black and neatly kept. His eyes are almost always covered by wrap-around shades.

Vehicle: Black Fire; a heavily modified black 1979 Pontiac Trans Am meant for giving everything in every aspect. It has 2 M134 mini guns on the sides next to the engine block, 2 retractable rocket launchers on the back quarter panels, an EMP blaster in the bumper with a lock on feature, a jammer for those with lock on features in their vehicles, a spike strip launcher in the back, a small Howitzer Artillery cannon on the roof controlled via control sticks, a set of nitrous for a boost and for the cherry on top, a turbo boost which can be extended to near infinite via a mental link between the driver and the car that he invented. The armor is also some of the thickest ever conceived, a couple of plates of a titanium, iron and polyethylene mixture created by its driver, with a layer of concrete in between. The weight is offset by the high power of the engine, the stiffness of the sway bars, the power of the brakes and the durability of the tires, this car has a lot going for it in terms of its performance. Its Special Ability is a special feature of the car. It can be set to an autopilot mode thanks to a custom automated computer system installed by the driver. Its driver can actually jump out of his car once this is activated and hijack other cars to take control of them. All the while, Black Fire will automatically attack other Twisted Metal competitors of the opposite team. If the special runs out of time, the car will automatically go to wherever its driver is and the driver will go back into Black Fire, making his hijacked car explode. (The pic above is what it looked like before modification.)

Likes: His car, a good chase by police, his weaponry, meats of all kinds, spicy foods, explosions, rock and roll (Zeppelin, AC/DC, Metallica, Airbourne, just to name a few).

Dislikes: Damage to his car, getting hurt, losing, those he actually cares about being harmed, police actually catching him (Only happened once... ONCE!), Sweet Tooth/Needles Kane, Calypso.

Personality: The driver of Black Fire is normally pretty nice. Particularly to females, he often gets to know them first and even then won't reveal his real name to them. It is only when they have 'earned his trust.' He is a fun-loving guy who doesn't often take anything seriously. If he does though, watch out!

Faults: The driver of Black Fire can sometimes be rather unstable as if he is angered too much, whether by insults or by an action, he can go into a violent rage or his personality could change completely. He seems to have an inconsistent case of Bipolar Disorder. His personality changes can happen at pure random and often fit the mood he is in. He can be cheerful and funny one minute, then serious and humorless the next. He can be quiet and passive in one instance, and loud and roaring in the next. This could extend from a lack of proper teaching for management of his emotions or something else, no one is sure as of yet.

History: No one truly knows where the driver of the deadly Black Fire came from. Not even Calypso. In truth however, Alex Zephyr was once an ordinary young man at 16 years old, he was going to graduate high school and go to college with the highest honors. That was until he came across the driver of the infamous ice cream truck called Sweet Tooth. The crazed ice cream man murdered Alex's entire family in front of him before setting his sights on him. He tried to fight Needles, but he was no match, that was, until he found his family's gun. He grabbed it and shot Needles multiple times before he ran off, leaving the bleeding clown in his own home. Once he finally stopped running, he realized he was incredibly gifted in the ways of violence. He spent the next 2 years wandering the country before anyone saw him again. This time, with everything that you see him with now. He had heard from a former Twisted Metal Tournament competitor about the whole tournament and now has his sights set on winning he tournament, or he will die trying.

Wish: To go back in time to prevent his family's death, but still retain his memories and his belongings.

Extra: Theme Song: Twisted Metal 4: Sweet Tooth's Bedroom (

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