Chapter 3: "All aboard!"

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"ERIN!!! ERIN!!" I hear suddenly over me pushing me back and forth.

"What?!" I tend to be cranky if you wake me up early. I need sleep.

"It's 4:00! You need to get up! people start boarding the cruise at 7:00 and I know you don't want to wait in line for an extra 2 hours just trying to board," once my mom says this I immediately hop up. I definitely don't want to wait. I quickly throw on one of my new outfits. A chiffon bow pink shirt with a high waist black skirt. Since I'm rushing I throw my hair up into a messy bun and put on my black with white laces, vans.

"I'm ready!" I say as I whoddle down the stairs with my suit case.

"We have everything else in the car. All we need is you," my mom says in a hurry.I run to the car and throw my suitcase in. Once I know its secure i hop in and buckle up.

"Let's hit the road!" I say as I pop in 'The Giver'

About 1 and a half hours later we stop at a gas station.

"Erin, if you have to use the restroom go now because we're going to try to keep going without any stops," my dad says as he hops out of the car and starts filling up the tank.

"Ok," I awkwardely run to the gas station because of the strange people starring at me. "Ok Erin, let's not get kidnapped," I think to myself. Once I'm inside I ask the clerk for the bathroom key.

"It hangs next to the bathroom Lady," he says rudely. I don't understand why people have to be so rude. It's not like I asked him rudely where the key was and the clerk usually has the key so I don't understand what his problem is.

After using the restroom I grab a bag of DYNAMITAS (dorito takis) and a gingerale and go back up to the clerk.

"I would like to purchase these items please," I say politely.

"That'll be $2.15," he says with no expression on his face.

"Thank you-"

"Just shut up and get out if here!! Your politeness is giving me a head ache!" The clerk spits in my face.

"You're a piece of crap you know that? I'm trying to be kind but all you want is crap. Know wonder you're a gas station clerk!" I scream at his face and then leave. I know that was a bit harsh, ok mean but he was extremely rude. I'm the customer, he's supposed to be kind to me not me kind to him! I throw my hands in the air with anger and hop into the car.

"What's wrong?" my dad asks.

"Nothing, lets just leave," I say now with caution realizing that the clerk could have friends, friends that do bad things. I now think back at what I did was stupid. I could've gotten myself into trouble. I need to control my anger.

Once we get back on the road I choose to sleep instead of watching another movie. That way when we get onto the cruise I won't be too tired to do anything.---------

"Erin we're here," my dad says.

"What- oh, alright," I say as I stretch out my arms. Before hopping out of the car I fix my hair into a better messy bun. Then I grab my suit case and hop out.

"Can I help you with anything sir?" A worker asks my dad.

"Yes, we need someone to park our car," my dad responds as he opens out his wallet to give the guy a tip.

"Ok, ill have someone return the keys to you in your room I just need your room number." After my dad gives him the room number we go inside the docking building to log in.

"Hello, how may I help you?" the counter lady asks.

"We would like to check in?" My mom hands the lady our logging packet and her and my father's license.

"Ok, thank you Mr. And Mrs. Moore, I just need to print out you and your daughter's key and social event cards. I'll be just a moment," then the lady walks off into a room.

"I can't wait!" I shriek. I start checking out the people around me seeing who will be on the cruise with me. There's a whole bunch of kids running around and a miniature version of the cruise sitting in the middle of the giant room.

"Ok, here you go. You all are group 1. When they call your group you head over to the mouse entrance," the lady points at the Mickey entrance.

"Thank you," my mom says as she takes the key cards. We then walk towards the Mickey entrance to be ready to walk in any second. I pull out my phone and start taking pictures. About 15 minutes later they call out, "Group 1, we are now loading group 1. Again group 1, you are now being loaded."

"That's us," my dad says as he leads us into the Mickey shaped entrance.

"Good morning sir. I just need you and your family to pull all your valuables through the detector and then step through sensor," an officer says to my father. We do as he says and then walk through the sensor.

"All clear," another officer yells from an opposite side and we walk off. Finally we walk onto this connector that connects the boarding building to the ship.

"What is your last name?" a worker asks my mother.

"Moore," she answers

"Welcome the Moore family," the guy says through a microphone as we walk onto he ship. There's a line of workers on each side of us that clap as we walk on. The room we walk into is a giant ball room. It has stairs that lead up to other areas and a giant chandelier above us.

"Wow! This is gorgeous," my mom says. I'm too busy looking around with my jaw dropped open. "Disney is truly amazing," I think to myself. We quickly walk over to a map on the wall. Ok, our room is right over here," my dad says as he points to a spot on the map. We follow him as he leads us to our rooms. I get a separate room because I begged for one. I claimed I needed my privacy and I was old enough to be alone so they got us connecting rooms so they could still monitor me.

"Well I'm going to go change into my bathing suit," I say to my parents as I unlock my room and walk in. The room is almost like a hotel room but better. There's a curtain separating you from the other half of the room. It's not big but it holds a couch, a dresser/mirror/desk/ microwave, refrigerator holder all into one. The bathroom is like a bathroom except the toilet is special because I'm on a ship and it's really really small.

Once I put on my bathing suit I go and use the restroom. When I flush the toilet and makes a really loud extreme suck sound but it happens quick.


I hear at the door. I look through the peep hole. No one's there.


It's coming from the connecting door. I open the door. "Your father and I are going to eat something. Do you want to come or just go to the pool?" My mom asks.

"I think I'll just go to the pool first," I say.

"Ok well take the provided cell phone with you so we can stay in touch just in case if we need you or you need us," my mom says. My mom then shuts the door and I go grab the cell phone they give to each room for connection. It has a log of all the room numbers and when you click on it, it gives you the option to call or text their cell phone or room phone.

I then put on some sandals and head out the door. They have teen clubs but Im not interested in going to one now. Once I'm at the pool deck I grab a towel and find a chair. There's a group of girls chatting together in a group socializing. "Hey you!" One screams out to me. She walks over.

"Did you hear about the celebrity on the cruise!?" She asks.

"No," I respond

"Oh, ok. I just really want to meet him/her and I've just been asking people if they know the secret celebrity. Sorry to bother you," she says with disappointment in her face and walks off. A celebrity on the cruise, I wonder who it is. 

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