Pig Roast

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Connor really, really wished he had been wrong about his assumption. Barely had they gotten into the station before Fowler was calling them into his office, looking even more grim than usual. "There's been another murder which we believe is connected to this case." Began the captain, already grumbling. Connor stiffened, and Hank narrowed his eyes. "Due to the nature of this case, We've added an informant to your case. It isn't exactly protocol, but this is a special case. understood?" Connor tilted his head, curious. Who could this be?

"Yea yea, where is he?" Hank grumbled.

"Here he comes now." Connor and Hank turned to watch the person enter. The android's eyes went wide.

"Markus?" He could hear the disbelief in his own voice, and quickly composed himself. What was the leader of the revolution doing here?

"Hello Connor, Lieutenant." Markus said, looking slightly ruffled but composed as ever. "I'm here to assist with the investigation, seeing how sensitive this case is." Hank looked gobsmacked, and Connor couldn't blame him. "Robo Jesus" himself was standing there, in Fowler's office, apparently now part of an ongoing investigation with what would be the first android murderer in history. This day was going to be very weird, wasn't it?

"I-I see." Connor finally said, breaking the shocked silence. "Well, we're honored to have you as part of the investigation, Markus."

"Damn right you are, now get out of my office and get to work." Fowler snapped. Somehow Connor thought him incapable of being cheerful. The android repressed a snort, following Markus and Hank out of the office and back to Hank's desk.

Hank rubbed his temples, looking up at the two androids with a look of disbelief and resignation. He had to deal with not one, but two of these fuckers now. Great. "So Markus, tell me why exactly we need you as a part of this investigation?" Hank sounded exhausted, and Connor frowned. His analysis showed nothing out of the ordinary. The Lieutenant should be pretty awake by now. It must be emotional exhaustion, but why?

"Well," Markus began, snapping Connor back into the conversation, "I'm currently the negotiator for android rights, considering most of us are deviant now. But there is no real protocol to dealing with this."

"Exactly," Connor jumped in, getting back into his element now. "Cyberlife has indefinitely shut down after the revolution, and we aren't sure when they'll be open again. So the regulations for dealing with this case, and having Markus involved, are shaky at best. We'll have to figure it out as we go." Hank let out a long, slow breath, and stood.

"God- this shit is too complicated. Come on you two, we have a body to look at."

The car ride there was pretty awkward, even Connor had to admit. They were all sitting in a heavy silence that lingered longer than the smell of whisky on Hank's jacket. Hank was the one to break the silence, eventually. "So what do we know about the victim?" Connor's LED flashed yellow as he went over the information in his mind.

"It's two victims, actually. An android and his human partner. The two were found in the kitchen. Cause of death was a shot point blank through both their heads. The killer meticulously arranged their bodies, which we're about to see." They pulled up to the crime scene, all three stepping out of the car.

While Hank walked inside, Connor took Markus' arm and held him back. "Listen, this crime scene is pretty brutal. I think you should wait out here and get debriefed later. You've seen enough during the revolution." Markus looked surprised, then firmly narrowed his eyes.

"No. One of my people was killed, I have to see. If another android is doing this I have to know why." Connor sighed, but stepped back.

"Okay, come on." Time and time again Markus' strength surprised him. The man was so calm, yet held so much authority. He was a leader naturally, and he always knew exactly what to say. In a way, Connor envied him. After he deviated he wasn't sure of anything anymore, and Markus was. At least Connor had detective work, that was always a safety net.

The two androids walked inside a few minutes after Hank, who was already getting debriefed by another officer on site. Markus followed Connor around the whole time, careful not to touch anything. 'Like a lost puppy.' Thought Connor with an amused huff. They approached the kitchen where the bodies were, and if Connor could gag he would have. Across the table was the android, or what was left of him. He had been cut up, body arranged in a grotesque sort of dinner. The arms and legs were jammed into a vase, while the body was displayed like a roast pig. His head was set on the end of the table, terrified expression staring at anyone who was dumb enough to walk into that horror show. The woman had a fork in her limp hand, mouth pried open slightly. Upon closer inspection, Connor saw it was the male android's thirium pump regulator, leaking blue blood down her chin.

Hank let out a string of curses, clearly just as horrified as everyone else. Worriedly, Connor glanced back at Markus. Although he'd been concerned that Markus would be afraid, he was rather surprised at the revolutionary's expression. He looked angry, quietly so. It was the face of someone who had seen far, far too much death. Connor touched his arm, and Markus startled. "Hey," came the soft statement, full of concern. "Are you okay? You can wait in the living room while we investigate," It was a gentle suggestion rather than a question.

"U-Uh," Markus faltered. "Yeah. I'll be there if you need me." Connor gave an understanding nod, then went right back to his investigation. Markus shivered. It didn't take much for Connor to snap back, to act like the machine he used to be. Though softer, more emotional, the puppy-eyed detective still wasn't as expressive as other deviants Markus knew. Cold, analytical, that was just his nature. But, Markus thought, looking over at Connor- who seemed to be licking blood- there was a sincerity to him that the android could admire. He never gave up, that was for sure.

Meanwhile, Connor was going over the evidence. He examined everything, taking many samples- much to Hank's dismay- only to come up blank. Whoever this android was, he was careful about not leaving a trail, and yet leaving just enough breadcrumbs for them to follow, it was deeply unsettling. Just as he was going to call it a day, Connor saw something strange. Curled up next to the Thirium pump regulator was a slip of paper. Tenderly, Connor pulled it out. He unrolled the paper, and felt what must be dread running in cold shivers down his spine. Silently he read,

'You'd look so pretty like this, don't you think?

Eat your heart out, Detective.'

It was signed by a heart, drawn in blue blood.

"Markus! Lieutenant!" Called Connor, feeling sick. As sick as androids could feel, anyway. Hank shuffled over,

"What is it Connor?"

"Look, there was a note in the female victim's mouth." Hank snatched it away with a gloved hand, reading it over with narrowed eyes.

"Oh what the fuck?"

"It seems to be after someone," A soft voice murmured. Markus was looking over Hank's shoulder, visibly perplexed.

"The handwriting is impeccable, definitely an Android." Said Connor, still a little shaken but pushing through it. "It seems to know who's investigating, or who's going to end up seeing the evidence. It's teasing us- I think."

"Plus-" Began Hank gruffly, wiggling the note around, "Our killer clearly wants someone. The question is, which detective is he after?"

"That could be anyone in the precinct! But this android is smart, he must know who's working on this case! Which means-"

"It's one of us." Hank finished, looking grim.

"Exactly. That doesn't give us many options. Detective Reed, Officer Chen," Markus looked at Connor with soft eyes.

"And you."

"What?" The brunet looked at Markus and Hank, who were both looking very grim.

"You're also on this case Connor."

"I think he means you."

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