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"If you really don't want to do this, you don't have to I'll manage."

I was taken back.

How did he know I didn't want to do it?

Are they mad at me?

Do they hate me?

I didn't mean it in a rude way. I just thought they'd better off with someone better like Lily.

"No it's fine, w-what made you think that I didn't want to do it?" I asked despite already knowing the answer.

"Just that you're being really quiet and in the office you were pretty much doing your best to get out of it," RM answered before chuckling, noticing the pink tint that had appeared on my cheeks.

"We're god with Joon if your bizy?" Taehyung added, making me fan girl over his adorable accent. God their so thoughtful. Handsome and thoughtful, total husband material.

I mustered all the courage I had left and replied in Korean.

"I'm very sorry, I have already embarrassed myself multiple times in the office and I didn't want you to laugh at me because I'm not very good at Korean."

~Jungkook's POV~
I was so lost in her beautiful blue eyes, they were so mesmerising that I couldn't help but gaze into them.

Even if they weren't like that, I was still too nervous to even utter a word.

"I'm very sorry, I have already embarrassed myself multiple times in the office and I didn't want you to laugh at me because I'm not very good at Korean," she said in Korean. Oh my gawwwdddd, that accent is so adorable.

I was so confused, when did she mess up?

Why was she nervous?

And in which universe is she bad at Korean??

"I think your Korean is amazing," I stupidly spoken up.

I immediately shut up after I notice she had her head lowered, trying to hide her flustered face. Aish Jungkook, you're such a pabo.

                            ~Y/N POV~
"I think your Korean is amazing" Jungkook said.

I don't think I've ever blushed so hard! I think he thought I was embarrassed because he looked down and said nothing else.

"Thank you," I replied sweetly.

As we reached the gym, I started mentally preparing what I was supposed to say.

"So this is the gym," I stated as I point to two large doors labelled 'gymnasium'. Well duh, the labelled doors definitely did not give that away.

"As Mr Stevens stated, you will be rehearse here for tomorrow's show which starts at 6:30."

"Can Y/N L/N make her way to the headmaster's office" the tannoy screeched.

"I must be going but if you have any further questions, don't hesitate to call me," I said, trying to remain polite.

"Thank you!" It almost scared me how in sync these 7 boys were.

"What now," I thought irritatedly.

As I walked into the office I was scared again, what if this time I was in trouble?

"Ah Y/N, sorry to bother you again."

"Um it's no bother sir." Caught in a lieee.

"Thank you. I'm sorry I forgot to mention this earlier but I heard you have a strong ability to sing?"

"Not really, sir it's just a few high notes here and there, but with all due respect but where did you hear that?"

"Your little sister Jessica, I believe, she's always going on about your natural talent."

"No no no, urm she's exag-"

"Excellent, I'd like you to sing a number from BTS tomorrow as a tribute of thanks towards them!"

"Urm sure, I-I'd love to."

I walked out of the office feeling the weight of all this pressure landed on my shoulders. What was I going to do?

I was going to sing a BTS song tomorrow?!

I wasn't actually gonna sing, right?!!

Just the way Mr Stevens 'asked' if I wanted to do it. He basically forced me! Curse my non-ability to say no!

As I went home it started heavily raining.

"Great, bad weather to match my bad mood!" I muttered moodily.

When I arrived at home, I immediately started practicing one of my other favorite songs, Euphoria.

I figured it would be quite difficult to cover one of BTS's songs as there were many varieties of voices as well as choreography so I decided to do Euphoria, made just by my crush Jungkook.

At first I wasn't going to do it because I can't even speak to Jungkook without having a mini heart attack so how would I be able to sing to him, but after contemplating for a while-  basically realising I wasn't able to do any other BTS song, I decided to do it and risk embarrassing myself... again.

I was so glad my sister had dance glass today so she wouldn't be back till late.

Honestly I didn't want to tell her about everything that happened today because 1) she'd probably not take it seriously 2) she'd probably go on about how lucky I was, wasting vital rehearsal time 3) if she never did the first two things, she'd probably just worry, which couldn't happen, it was my job to look after her not the other way round.

It was fine, maybe I could just surprise her tomorrow with my performance? Hopefully...

Idk if you noticed yet but I really wanted to try something with this story.

I've added and will be adding 'famous sayings' / song lyrics that the BTS members have said just to make it a bit more fun ;).

So far I've done 5:
'I'm fine' - Kookie
'Stob it' - Y/N (8th member of BTS apparently lol)
'I'm a good boy' - Taetae
'I'm god'- Taetae
'Oh my gawwwdd' - Kookie
'Caught in a lieee' - Y/N

Comment any sayings you want me to include in the upcoming chapters.

Bye ily 💜

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