karmas a bitch

237 4 7

damians POV

This was the day. The day he'd been waiting for. Were Cady Heron and Janis Sarkisian dating? This was the day he would find out the truth and there's only one way he could pull it off without asking them.

He's always had Janis's spare housekeys, they used to be used for when Janis had her self harm breakouts and he had to get in. Janis was 6 months clean now, she's been clean since her and Cady made up after the whole Regina and party incident. This only made him more suspicious.

Janis was at a school club with Cady at the moment and wouldn't be back for another half and hour, giving Damian enough time to get in and get into position.

He swiftly unlocked the door, locked it from the inside to not look suspicious and sprinted up the stairs. They would no doubt be in Janis's bedroom from the moment they get back to the moment they leave. He opened Janis's closet door and slid in sitting down and closing the door, leaving it open just enough so he can't be spotted but just enough so he can get a good view of her bedroom.....he would soon regret this.

After about 20 minutes he heard Janis's front door unlock and close with footsteps climbing the stairs swiftly yet slowly. Must of really hated that club.... Damian thought to himself.

He watched Janis's bedroom door open to reveal cady....wrapped around Janis?! They were violently making out as cadys tan arms wrapped around Janis's neck and her legs round Janis's waist. Janis's arms were wrapped around cady's waist.

Damian could not unsee what he was seeing as his jaw dropped in both shock and horror. He watched shocked as he saw Janis push cady down onto the bed. Cady's a bottom, that one was obvious.

His prophecies of cady being a bottom had completely spun round when Janis straddled cady, only to get pinned down by the auburn haired girl.

Damian wanted to run and escape or yell and at least let them know that he was in fact in the room with them. But he couldn't. Janis would get angry that he used her spare key to stalk her and go into her house without permission to find out if his bestfriends were dating or not. So he stayed quiet and tried to cover his ears as he heard Janis let out a moan and watched Cady take her shirt off.

He looked away instantly, closing his eyes tightly. Janis's moan was the first of many.

Damian tried to cover his ears frantically but failed as he heard Janis scream and cady giggle.

This was too much to handle....


2am, they were both finally asleep, layed next to eachother. Janis being the little spoon to Damians surprise.

He opened the closet door quietly and slowly tip toed out of the room. L

barrettstan for the idea

barrettstan for the idea

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2019 ⏰

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