Chapter Fifteen : A New Ally

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(I known this is supposed to be Starflight's perspective, but I think it is better suited as Fatey.)

"Do you?" Nightleaf said, instantly on alert. "Because I don't recall ever meeting you." The new dragon simply ignored him, turning angrily to Fatespeaker.

"Is he your prisoner?" She spat. Fatespeaker snorted, and the orangish dragon's face contorted in fury. "DON'T LAUGH AT ME, STUPID MYTHTELLER LACKEY!" Fatespeaker yelped, pressing again the wall. The dragon was obvious a hybrid, probably RainWing and SandWing. She was orange and yellow, with gray horns and a beautiful green snout. But she was covered in scars, and her barbed tail was constantly lashing up and down, looking as angry as her face. 

"I'm not a lackey!" Fatespeaker said. At the same time, Nightleaf burst out.

"I'm not her prisoner!" The dragon gave them a slightly furious, but quietly confused look. 

"Really?" Fatespeaker opened her mouth, but suddenly the dragon slammed their talon on the ground. "LIARS!" Nightleaf snorted and the dragon turned to him. 

"STOP LAUGHING! I AM FURIOUS AND MENACING!" Fatespeaker smiled brightly. 

"Who are you?" She asked, trying to sound curious.

"Who are you?"  The dragon shot back, eyes narrowed.

"My name is Fatespeaker, and this is Nightleaf." The dragon narrowed their eyes until they were the thinnest slits Pyrrhia had ever seen. 

"Why would you both to learn a prisoners name?" Nightleaf gave out an exasperated sigh. 

"For the last time, I AM NOT HER PRISONER!" The dragon gave them a startled look, and Fatespeaker realized that she believed them.

"Sandstorm." They said, tilting their head. Fatespeaker blinked at her for a moment. The dragon let out an exasperated sigh. "My name is Sandstorm, camel brain." 

"Oh." Fatespeaker said. 

"Sorry to 'break up the party', but we should probably escape." Nightleaf said bluntly, flicking his purplish wings towards the tunnel, frowning. Fatespeaker looked curiously over at Sandstorm.

"How did you escape?" She briefly remembered passing this dragon on her way in from MythTeller's throne room. Of course, it was possible that she didn't. After all, she had just heard creepy prophecy. Speaking of creepy prophecies. She shuddered. The prophecy ran through her mind. What does it mean...?

"That is an extremely interesting story for another time." Sandstorm replied flatly. Fatespeaker rolled her eyes and then suddenly gasped, grabbing Nightleaf's talons. 

"Nightleaf!" Nightleaf looked down, surprised. "I remember!" Nightleaf and Sandstorm exchanged glances. 

"Know what?" They both said at the same time, looking confused.

"When I was inside MythTeller-"

"WAIT WHAT?" Sandstorm bellowed, eyes back to blazing. "WHY DIDN'T YOU MENTION IT BEFORE?" 

"Because last time I mentioned it, I ended up getting yelled at." Fatespeaker snapped. Sandstorm nodded and Nightleaf gave her antagonized look. "But anyway."

"Yes." Sandstorm said, flicking her orange wing. "Where were you?" Fatespeaker rolled her eyes.

"When I was...inside MythTeller, she thought about something, and now I know how to stop her!" She began to run down the tunnel. "Come on! To the throne room!"

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