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TRIGGER WARNING-This book deals with self harm


Morgans POV

Its been about four months since my fake death.. Yes I repeat fake death you see let me tell you the story of how I got out.

******FLASH BACK******

I walked into heaven but got pushed back by something I stumbled into life but when I woke up I was not in a hospital bed anymore I was in a basement looking room. I quickly jumped off the the bed/cart thing and I found these cabinets that had people belongings in it I found my my clothes and put them on and before going I put a tag that said Morgan Caylen on this other cart and quickly ran out of the back door not turning back once


Ever since then I change quite a bit hell I changed ALOT! I dyed my hair dark brown and I got a tattoo on my wrist that says "Stay Strong"which means don't cut since its still very convincing to cut.

I have my own apartment and I finished school online and I just turned 18 too. I'm a dancer too know so ya.. I will answer the question your probably asking yourself "Does she still think about Sam,Jc Ect?" The answer to that is all the time.

I still can't stand the fact that they think i'm dead and at the funeral it wasn't me they buried.. But I had to get away from the all the drama. But hopefully me and Sam will cross paths again someday and I will tell him who its me Morgan Caylen.


Its back this is just to get you back into the groove of the story I guess haha.. But I will post the first chapter tomorrow! I love you guys BYE!~Logan :)

Its Not Over Yet (Sequel to Bullied and Broken Sam Pottoff)Where stories live. Discover now