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"W-What are you doing? Get away from me you fucking freak!" Anti shouted while retreating back several steps, his voice tinged with fear as Marvin rose up in the air to hover inches above the floor.

"Oh Anti, haven't you learned?" Marvin chuckled coldly as he floated towards the demon with a mirthless smile.

"You've been the monster the entire time."

Marvin abruptly placed his hands on Anti's shoulders while his blue eyes bore into the demon's black ones, the magician's hands glowing brighter while Anti cried out in pain and crumpled to the floor.

"Is he...?" Jameson trailed off as Schneep wordlessly began patching up Jameson's steadily bleeding arm while Chase remained silent as he held Robbie's body in his arms.

"Ugh...what the hell happened?" Jack groaned as he stood up, a figure that looked like him with a cut running across his neck lying on the floor in his place.

"You're free from Anti." Marvin stated happily as he landed on the floor, Jack frowning in confusion as he glanced at the unconscious look alike.

"You couldn't kill him?" Jack questioned with furrowed eyebrows, Marvin shaking his head with a grim expression.

"Anti is still a part of you technically, whether you like it or not. I gave him a separate body so he can no longer control you, however if he gets hurt, so do you." Marvin explained.

"Vhat do ve do vith him?" Schneep spoke up, gesturing at Anti as he finished patching up Jameson.

"We lock him up somewhere and pray he doesn't try anything stupid." Marvin sighed, placing a hand on Jameson's arm to heal it instantly.

"Thanks!" Jameson exclaimed as he removed the blood stained bandage, Schneep muttering unintelligibly under his breath as he angrily stormed out of the house.

"May I?" Marvin prompted Chase gently as he knelt in front of him, his glowing hands hovering over Robbie's body.

Chase nodded as he bit his lip, watching with a hopeful expression as light returned to Robbie's once lifeless blue eyes.

"!" Robbie cheered as Chase hugged the zombie tight, a smile lighting up both of their faces as they stood up.

"Hey Doc-Doc? Where'd you go?" Chase called out as he looked around the house, seeing only Marvin, Robbie, Jameson, and Jack around him.

"He left a bit ago, he seems pissed about something." Jameson remarked, Chase squeezing Robbie's hand before he jogged out of the house to look for the German.

"Um, guys? Anti's gone, he just vanished." Jack interjected frantically, Marvin letting out a string of curses as he ran out of the house.

Jameson and Jack exchanged a look before following the others outside, Robbie tottering after the group.

"Damnit, Anti's already gone without us noticing!" Marvin snapped in irritation, pacing around wildly.

"What about Schneep? Chase went to go look for him." Jameson spoke up worriedly, his eyes shining with concern.

"I'm sure they're fine-"

Marvin was interrupted by Jack's phone ringing, the hero instantly answering it and putting the call on speaker.

"Chase? Where are you and Schneep?" Jack demanded, tensing as Chase let out a long weary sigh.

"We're fine, we just...need time. If you really need us, we're already back at the hospital."

With that, Chase abruptly ended the call to Jack's dismay, Jameson's expression thoughtful.

"I know that tone, he's far from okay." Jameson murmured as he took off at a sprint towards the hospital, the others following.

"Chase? Schneep?" Jack called out as they burst into the hospital, the receptionist motioning for him to be quiet as she pointed up.

"Up? What the hell-"

Jameson broke off as his face grew pale, his eyes wide as he looked at the others.

"The roof, they're up on the roof."

Marvin instantly transported everyone to the rooftop to see Schneep and Chase sitting on the edge drinking bottles of beer, several empty bottles lying around them.

"Agh, fuck's sake." Marvin grunted through gritted teeth as he staggered and fell to his knees onto the ground, an arm wrapped around his abdomen while Jameson knelt beside him.

"What's wrong?" Jameson prompted as he pressed the back of his hand to Marvin's forehead, the magician's skin burning up.

"I-it's fine, I'm fine." Marvin promises as he managed to stand back up, his movements sluggish.

"What're you guys doing?!" Jack blurted furiously as he moved to pull the pair away from the edge, hesitating when he saw them flinch away.

"Jack, why are you here?" Chase sighed in exasperation, earning a glare from the Irishman.

"I'm checking on you two, Anti's gone and you guys disappeared before him-"

"Anti's gone?!" Schneep interrupted, scrambling to move off of the edge of the roof with Chase.

"Doc!" Chase cried as the German's hand rolled across an empty bottle, causing him to become off balance and tumble off of the edge of the building with a startled cry.

Chase's fingers brushed against Schneep's before he plummeted out of reach, Jack jumping off of the building before he thought of what he was doing.

Fuck I'm going to die, fuck I'm going to die! Jack chanted internally as he dove towards Schneep and managed to grab onto him, squeezing his eyes shut as he willed his body to disappear to avoid hitting the ground.


The Irishman opened his eyes and looked up to see his friends staring down at him with wide eyes.

"The hell? What happened?" Jack murmured as he looked over at Schneep, the German shaking as his eyes bore into Jack's.

" just glitched out of existence." Schneep stated in awe, the others meeting the pair at the bottom of the hospital.

"I-I don't feel like myself." Jack stammered as he looked down at his hands, crying out in pain as his body glitched in and out of existence.

"Jack, I think I know what's going on." Marvin interjected as he Irishman fell to his knees with a choked sob.

"Without Anti, you're not complete. You're both going to disappear if you don't join up with each other again."

The Possepticeye (Sequel to Beneath the Mask) Where stories live. Discover now