T W E N T Y-S E V E N. Unwinding

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"Why?" mumbling to myself as we get ready to leave Mr.Wilson's house to head for the airport everyone seems to be rushing around while I'm stuck In a daze trying to process everything that's going on at the moment I'm really not known for being a morning person unless I have some coffee in my system "Aurora" hearing my uncle Knoxs say my name glancing over to see him chuckling while handing me a cup of coffee "Thank you" saying with a big smile he nods his head smiling before walking towards the kitchen where my two best friends come walking out of with beagles in their hands, sipping on my coffee slowly enjoying every single drop of it but my moment was interpreted by Layla handing me a cinnamon and raisin bagel with a little bit of sweet honey on it kissing her cheek she shakes her head causing Joy to laugh as we walk into the living room to have our small breakfast before leaving I wonder if this person we have to get on a plane to go see will answer our questions considering the fact that we all have questions about every this person is going to be overwhelmed by the three of us oh well we need answers biting into my begel just try to relax an think positive thoughts.

"Let's go mademoiselles" Mr.Wilson says from the doorway with his dogs on their leashes wagging their tails uncontrollably once they see us we've grown quite fond of the dogs honestly I've always wanted to get one they're truly amazing grabbing our coffees we walked out of the living room and see my uncle Knoxs at the front door playing with his lighter in between his fingers sighing I take his lighter away an walk towards my car as Layla and Joy start laughing hysterically at my uncle Knoxs facial expression of just believe what I did, tossing it back at him instantly he catches it before jumping into the car with Mr.Wilson an his dogs starting up my car I pull behind Mr.Wilson an follow him to the airport glancing in the rearview mirror I shake my head to see the guys are literally two cars behind us I'm not really shocked because I kind of figured they would follow us but they better understand we are getting our questions answered letting out a heavy sigh I turn on some music to get us pumped Layla an Joy start to dance around some giggling I swing my head back and forth to the music.

After about twenty-five minutes down the road we pull up to the Airport but Mr.Wilson pulls over to the side an some guy wearing a black shirt with Italian writing on it which I'm having a hard time making out what it says 'Ding' hearing my phone go off I grab it seeing it's a text message from my uncle 'Stay behind us' showing it the message to Layla an Joy they instantly shrug their shoulders sighing I stay behind him instantly my jaw drops once we see a huge private plane with people waiting for us, getting out the car my uncle Knoxs smiles at us as we just shake our heads leaning in to pop the trunk open "No need" my uncle says causing me to lean up an look over at him in total confusion until we see the end of the cargo area of the plane opening up he walks over an gets in my car leaving me stand their in shock as I watch him drive away looking over to Layla an Joy seeing both of them with their jaws dropped until they shake it off when we hear laughter from Mr.Wilson as he comes towards us "Come girls" he says as he walks towards the stairs we quickly recover and walk right behind him the inside of the plane is luxurious we're not used to this but I think today we're going to enjoy it.

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