Part 5

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I woke up the next morning, and I was soooooo happy. Ariana Grande, my idol, my FRIEND, wanted me to do an album with her. I went downstairs and ate some strawberries. I checked my phone and saw some notifications.


Ariana: Hey Arianne! I was texting to know if you wanted to do the album... or...?

Ari texted me and I didn't reply. So I quickly texted back.


Arianne: Hey Ari! Sorry must've fallen asleep. But I say yes of course! ily! Gtg get ready for school ttyl!

I finished my strawberries and put my bowl in the sink. I ran upstairs and did the half up half down thing with my hair and curled it. I threw on some leggings from pink that read "PINK" on the butt. Then I threw on a t-shirt and a pink hoodie. I put on some natural makeup and ran downstairs. I threw on some uggs and headed out the door. I guess I'm a common white girl. "Bye mom! I love you!" I said as I took one of our 5 cars out. I took the red Dodge charger today.

When I pulled up to the school, I locked my car and headed to the building. I saw some of the guys staring. I wave and they all laughed. I kept walking. When I went to first period, the girls started to giggle. I just sat down and ignored it. Mrs.Blu walked in and sat down. We did some drama stuff and acting practice's. Then the bell rang.

I opened my locker. I saw a girl approaching me. She started right away. "I'm Chalee and you look like Airana Grande." She said smiling. "Its ARIANA" I replied, not so smiley. "Potato, Potato. Anyway, I heard a rumor that you like Sean."


"Sean. Over there." She pointed to a really nice looking kid.

"Oh. well its not true. I don't know where you heard that." I said. I had only been here for a day. "Well I have to get going. Um whats your name agian?" I said as I closed my locker. "Its Chalee. And I will totally see you at lunch!" Chalee said as she began to walk away. I began walking to gym (I hate gym) when Sean
walked over. "Hey." He said in a really calm, relaxing voice. "Hi" I said looking around and fixing my hair.

"Look I heard you liked me." He said, sending a chill down my back.

"Hey, it was just a rumor. I'm sorry if it caused you any troubles." I said. I felt my voice shaking.

"Its okay with me. I was just asking if it was true. What do you have next?" He said walking with me.


"Me too." He said as he opened the big gym doors for me.

"Thank you." I said as we started for the locker rooms.

"Well, it was cool meeting you. You're cute." He said.

As I started to walk away, all I could do was smile.


Hello beautiful people! Thank you guys so much for 400 reads! Thats alot (for me) Well anyways I'll try to update more. :)

Stay fab


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